Zirconia rapid sintering furnace

2023/03/22 15:17

Zirconia rapid sintering furnace is a sintering furnace tailored for immediate repair. When designing, we have carried out a new optimized arrangement of all electrical components in the sintering furnace with a new design concept around the immediate dental restoration.

We considered the advantages and disadvantages of the zirconia material itself for dentistry, the distribution of the temperature field in the sintering furnace, and the cooperation between zirconia and the heating components of the sintering furnace. A new arrangement of components in the sintering furnace has been carried out.

We adopted an efficient heating mode, high-quality insulation materials, and made a series of changes in circuit control. The sintering furnace can not only heat up at a speed exceeding the limit of ordinary sintering furnaces on the market, but also cool down at a very fast speed. So as to ensure rapid sintering to solve the patient's painful waiting time.

We have carried out a new optimized arrangement of electrical components in the furnace, which allows us to reduce the size and quality of the sintering furnace while increasing the heating speed of the sintering furnace, thus making the sintering furnace more portable.

In the end, after years of testing, we settled on an expensive but minimally polluting silicon molybdenum rod as our core heating element. It is hoped that the pollution of silicon molybdenum rods to zirconia during sintering should be reduced as much as possible.

To sum up, this zirconia sintering furnace is our sintering furnace that serves dentistry and immediate restoration in the whole process from R&D design to product implementation. The starting point of all our designs is to solve the pain points of the current dental zirconia sintering furnace. We hope that our efforts can bring you a more comfortable experience and better teeth.