Still Hesitating About Getting Your Teeth Done? Everything You Want To Know Is Here!

2023/11/07 16:18

1. Is there an age limit for dental surgery?

For adults, the best period for orthodontic treatment is before the age of 37. As long as periodontal conditions permit, it is recommended to start orthodontic treatment as early as possible.

For children, early intervention treatment can be started between the ages of 4 and 12, and 12 to 18 years old is the golden period for children’s correction.

2. Will the teeth become loose after dental surgery?

During orthodontic treatment, teeth will move according to treatment needs, but a professional orthodontist will control the force of movement so as not to cause damage to the teeth. Once the teeth move to the target position, they will no longer loosen after a period of stabilization. From then on, you will have straight and stable teeth.

Regardless of whether you have had dental surgery or not, no matter how old you are, it is normal for your teeth to be slightly loose. If the teeth are severely loose, it is related to periodontal health. It can be prevented as long as you pay attention to oral hygiene.

3. Why do some people need to extract teeth for correction?

Generally speaking, the probability of tooth extraction is higher during orthodontic treatment, but not everyone needs tooth extraction.

If your teeth are too crowded and protruding, you may need to extract them to create enough space for the teeth to align and move inward.

4. How long does dental surgery usually take?

The time for orthodontic treatment is one and a half to two years. The specific treatment time varies from person to person and requires professional orthodontic examination and doctor's interview evaluation.

In addition, the time of orthodontic treatment is also related to the customer's cooperation.

5. Why should you brush your teeth well?

During the dental treatment process, it is easy to get a lot of food stuck between the teeth, between the teeth and the braces, and between the braces when eating. If not cleaned in time, problems such as tooth decay may easily occur. Therefore, after wearing braces, cleaning becomes a top priority.



6. Why should I wear a retainer?

This is because at the end of the dental surgery, the position of the teeth is unstable and requires an external force to help stabilize them in this position, waiting for the supporting tissue to be completely remodeled to the current appropriate position.

There are a variety of retainers that can provide such an external force, which can effectively prevent correction rebound.

7. Will dental surgery make you more beautiful?

According to many news reports, celebrity teeth surgery is comparable to plastic surgery, and the changes are huge. For most people with crooked teeth, protruding teeth, and gummy smiles, their teeth will become more beautiful after dental surgery.

But don’t expect too much from orthodontic treatment. If the doctor recommends surgery, then if you insist on only orthodontic treatment, the effect will not be that obvious.

8. How long can the effects of dental surgery last?

For people who wear retainers conscientiously, their teeth will generally not rebound, and the dental treatment results can be maintained permanently. Some people wear retainers for a year but do not wear them carefully afterwards, resulting in correction rebound. This change is also slight and it is impossible to return to the way it was before correction.

9. Should plastic surgery or teeth be done first?

The orthodontist’s recommendation is to have your teeth straightened first, because the shape of your teeth is closely related to your face shape, such as buck teeth, which I believe everyone can understand.

Generally, after the dental surgery, other parts of the face, such as the chin, nose, etc., are adjusted. This treatment sequence is more scientific and reasonable.