Do You Know Anything About Digital Dentistry

2023/10/26 09:18

What are the benefits provided by technology in the dental field? In some places, you often notice the advantages of digital dentistry.

Digital dental X-ray

This is a new tool being used by the dentist's office. It provides 3D imaging of teeth, jawbones, neck, and face. Then use specialized software to use the X-rays emitted to create 3D images. This allows dentists to see a person's teeth and surrounding bones from almost any angle. The benefit of having this tool is that your dentist can obtain better images, which can improve diagnostic ability and accelerate treatment speed.

Another advantage of this technology is that it uses a lower X-ray dose. Most people have visited dental clinics and are concerned about the radiation doses they receive. Although the typical radiation dose of dental X-rays is quite low, it is still a field worth paying attention to. This new technology can enable dentists to obtain high-quality images at much lower radiation doses. Due to clearer images, there is no need to retake.

In addition, images can be viewed immediately without waiting and can be processed quickly. Images can be stored electronically, which means that if you transfer to a dentist or need to share your results with other medical services, it is simple and does not delay any communication. Finally, this technology is better for the environment. Unlike traditional X-rays that require the use of a large amount of chemicals for development, digital X-rays have a lower carbon footprint.



Application Program and Design of Digital Dental Imaging

In addition to solving current problems, new technologies also enable people to explore what their teeth can do. For example, after taking a photo of your mouth, the dentist can create a single board design and digitally simulate your perfect smile. This allows patients to better understand their expectations. They will be able to make a wise decision on whether to make this change. This is not only a huge advantage for ordinary people, but also enables them to spend money wisely on dental health.