Dental Implant Is Risky-advantage And Disadvantage

2023/11/16 11:08

More and more people’s teeth become restless, and problems such as toothaches,loose teeth,and tooth loss will appear!With the continuous development of social economy,dental implants have been favored by more and more people.Dental implants have become the first choice for many people.There has even been a wave of implants triggered by dental implants.However,the experts of oral cavity have to remind one thing: Doing a dental implant does not mean getting it done once and for all.

dental implant in human body

1. What is dental implant?

Dental implant refers to a way of restoration of missing teeth based on the lower structure implanted in the bone tissue to support and retain the upper dental restoration. It includes two parts, the lower supporting implant and the upper dental restoration. It uses artificial materials (such as grade 5 dental titanium alloyceramics dental zirconia, etc.) to make implants (generally similar to the shape of tooth roots), which are surgically implanted into tissues (usually the upper and lower jaw) and obtain firm retention support for bone tissue.Through special devices and The way is connected to support the upper dental restoration.Dental implants can obtain restoration effects that are very similar to natural teeth in terms of function,structure and aesthetics,and have become the preferred restoration method for more and more patients with missing teeth.

2. The pros and cons of dental implants

1). The benefits of dental implants

a,Powerful:The tooth function can be restored well,and the chewing function is much better than other traditional dentures.

b,Does not grind teeth:Relying on its own artificial tooth root for restoration,without grinding the healthy teeth next to it,without any harm to the teeth.

c,Good retention:Without the use of traditional clasps or braces,the artificial tooth root and alveolar bone are tightly integrated,rooted in the mouth like a real tooth,with strong retention and stability.

d,Beautiful:The crown can be made according to the face shape of the patient and the shape and color of other teeth to achieve the best effect of overall coordination and beauty.

e,Comfortable and convenient:It does not use the bases and clasps necessary for movable dentures,so there is no foreign body sensation,it is very comfortable and convenient,and it is helpful to keep the oral cavity clean and hygienic.

2. The disadvantages of dental implants

a,infection:If the patient does not choose a regular hospital for dental implant operations,there may be a risk of infection.This is mostly due to failure to disinfect during surgery or contamination of surgical instruments.

b,Wound dehiscence:This situation occurs because the suture is too tight or too loose when implanting the tooth.Improper cleaning of dental implants by patients undergoing dental implant surgery can induce infection and easily lead to local wound dehiscence.

c,Gingival hyperplasia:This is a complication caused by too little penetration of the “root” of the implant or poor connection between the “root” and the bridge during implant surgery.It will cause poor local hygiene,long-term chronic inflammatory irritation,and subsequent damage to the gums.

d,Numbness of lower lip:If the dentist damages the mental nerve during the operation, or the inferior alveolar nerve is directly injured when the implant is implanted, the patient will experience numbness of the lower lip.

3,Pay attention to these four points after dental implant restoration.

1) Don’t always focus on eating

Although the chewing function of dental implants can be comparable to that of natural teeth, after the restoration of dental implants,there is still a gradual weight-bearing process for dental implants.Soft food is recommended for the first three months after dental implant restoration.In addition,in order to prolong the “service life” of the implant,try to avoid eating harder and tougher foods after the implant restoration,and avoid excessive lateral force when chewing food.

2)Lazy brushing causes big trouble

Develop good hygiene habits to avoid peri-implant inflammation.Adhere to gargle morning and evening,after meals,and pay special attention to the hygiene of the implant.When brushing your teeth,focus on cleaning the neck of the implant and the surrounding gum tissue,and can assist in the use of dental flushers.But be careful,generally speaking,within 24 hours after surgery,do not brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with water,especially not eating or drinking within 2 hours after immediate implantation,and avoid eating hot food afterwards.

brushing implant teeth in daily life

3) Don’t smoking frequently

The nicotine in cigarettes is not only harmful to the trachea and lungs,but also has a bad effect on dental tissues,especially for the recovery of oral epithelial tissues or wounds after dental implants. Therefore,the precision implantation experts of the majority of dental hospitals suggest that patients are growing You should quit smoking before your teeth. In addition,smoking will accelerate the accumulation of dental calculus,thereby interfering with the integration of the implant and the alveolar bone,easily causing peri-implant inflammation,which has an impact on the “long-term service” of dental implants.

4) Do not delay regular follow-up visits

After implanting the teeth,you must follow the doctor’s instructions for follow-up visits.For example,timely follow-up visits in the early postoperative period can facilitate the doctor to better remove the sutures,prevent local infections and adjust the occlusion of the implants,and in the subsequent follow-up visits,it is also convenient for the doctors to implant the teeth clean and treat natural teeth,and timely clean the plaque and tartar that cannot be removed by conventional brushing.

visit dental hospital for implant check

Conclusion:Develop a good habit of brushing your teeth in the morning and evening,gargle after meals,and stop eating after brushing your teeth.Eating less sugar,drinking less carbonated drinks,eating too much sugar or drinking carbonated drinks frequently can cause tooth demineralization,causing tooth decay or tooth sensitivity.If conditions permit,go to the hospital for dental cleaning or oral checkups.If you encounter tooth pain,check it in time to avoid bigger problems.