Your teeth need nutrition too!

2022/10/11 13:30

While you're gulping down tons of artificial vitamins to keep your organs healthy, think about your mouth, which also needs vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to keep your mouth healthy.


Teeth are not dead, rock-hard objects, but living tissue. Just like the rest of your body, your teeth need nourishment and maintenance. Your mouth is the guardian of your overall health, and it's not enough to just brush or floss your teeth.


The dentin beneath the enamel has the ability to grow and heal itself, and well-nourished teeth can allow the caries to heal automatically.


Redness at the corners of the mouth, oral ulcers, thick tongue coating, fever on the lips, and bleeding gums are all manifestations of oral nutritional deficiencies, mainly lack of vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, etc.


Cutting down on sugar and increasing your intake of essential nutrients like minerals and vitamins can reduce your chances of developing caries, keep your gums healthy, prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, and prevent infections.


There is no need to buy a lot of nutritional supplements, and the daily diet can provide sufficient nutrients to ensure oral health.

1. B vitamins

B vitamins: B2, B16, B12, niacin and folic acid, which are good at inhibiting oral cancer. Poultry, bananas and almonds provide more abundant B vitamins.


2. Vitamin A

Found in carrots, cantaloupe, and green vegetables such as spinach, kale, and kale. Vitamin A prevents dry mouth and tooth decay and keeps the cells around the mouth and gums healthy.


3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C can prevent bleeding gums, loose teeth and cell damage in the oral cavity, and can also promote postoperative oral recovery. Strawberry, cantaloupe, mango, kiwi, papaya and other fruits contain a lot of vitamin C.


4. Vitamin D

Milk, eggs and fish oil are the main sources of vitamin D, enough vitamin D to strengthen teeth and jawbones.


5. Calcium

Calcium is the main component that makes up bones. High amounts of calcium are found in milk, cheese, yogurt, salmon, sardines, and green vegetables. Teeth with sufficient calcium are capable of self-repairing enamel.


6. Zinc

Zinc is known to promote healing of cold sores and canker sores, and it is found in seafood, pumpkin seeds, liver, eggs and lentils.


7. Iron

Iron can increase resistance. Eating fish, dark leafy vegetables, and eggs contains high amounts of iron.


8. Potassium

Potassium is found in almost every food from fruits to vegetables, dairy products to legumes, and is one of the most important components of muscle and nerve tissue in the human body.


Potassium can maintain the osmotic pressure and acid-base balance of intracellular and extracellular fluids, and maintain neuromuscular excitability.


These are just a few of the necessary and beneficial ways to increase your daily intake of antioxidants and minerals.


When we eat whole fruits or vegetables, we also get a lot of plant fiber. Plant fibers have the effect of cleaning the mouth.


Choosing a reasonable diet is not only good for physical health, but also has great benefits for oral health. Taking good care of your teeth and gums will make your smile even more exciting.