You won't receive the six signs of tooth aging, will you?

2023/02/10 13:16

Six signs of premature tooth decay!

—Which one did you receive?

It is scientifically explained that teeth are the hardest part of the human body. Even if our flesh rots, the teeth will still remain intact. Therefore, many people think that the teeth do not need much protection and do not care much about the teeth.

However, Teen Good Dentist reminds everyone! After the age of 30, the enamel will gradually become thinner, and the teeth will gradually turn yellow. After the age of 40 , the gums will even start to shrink, and the roots of the teeth will gradually be exposed. These are the changes in the teeth in our oral cavity. It is also accelerating the aging of teeth. What exactly are premature aging? This issue takes everyone to know more about it!



6 major signs of premature tooth decay




01 tooth sensitivity


If you eat hot, cold, sour and sweet food, your teeth will be extremely sensitive, causing sharp pain and soreness.

The reason is that the tooth tissue on the surface of the tooth has been worn for a long time, resulting in the exposure of the deep tooth body closely connected with the nerve in the oral cavity, and food stimulation is transmitted to the nerve along these channels, causing pain.

Therefore, first of all, eat less irritating food, and secondly eat too hard shelled food with the help of tools, and get rid of the habit of brushing your teeth horizontally.


dental caries


As we age, the oral mucosa shrinks, causing the gums to recede and the spaces between the teeth to widen.

If you do not pay attention to oral health and food retention, bacteria will easily multiply on the teeth, increasing the incidence of dental caries.

According to statistics, the prevalence of dental caries in China is 66%, 28.9%, 88.1% and 98.4% at the age of 5, 12, 35-44 and 65-74 respectively . If dental caries is not treated in time, it may cause pulpitis and periapical periodontitis.


Red and swollen teeth Bleeding gums


If the gums are red and swollen, accompanied by bleeding, you can judge that you have gingivitis. If you find gums bleeding when you brush your teeth or chew food, you should also be vigilant. Gingivitis can develop into periodontitis if left untreated .



loose teeth


If the gums are red and swollen, the gums are bleeding and the teeth are loose when touched, or the roots of the teeth are found to be exposed, it can be judged that periodontitis has developed.

Periodontitis is mostly caused by poor oral hygiene and long-term accumulation of bacterial tartar. Tartar will irritate the gums and cause inflammation. In the later stage, it will lead to loosening and loss of teeth.

Therefore, you should pay attention to oral hygiene, brush your teeth in the morning and evening, rinse your mouth after meals, and quit smoking to improve your oral environment .



Cracked tooth surface


This is a sign of "tooth mineralization," which is the loss of tooth surface enamel from the overacid environment of the mouth.

It will directly expose the dentin to the acidic environment of the mouth. In addition to the teeth becoming brittle and cracked, the tooth surface will also appear discolored and dull. This situation in young people requires more careful maintenance and care .



bad breath


Oral bad breath or bad breath for a long time, if it is not caused by lung and stomach diseases, it should be considered caused by oral problems.

First of all, the carious teeth should be treated, and the teeth should be cleaned with dental floss after meals. Occasionally, the gums become inflamed, and the inflamed parts of the teeth should be treated with dental floss as soon as possible. Appropriate medication can basically eliminate bad breath .