Why are your teeth growing longer?

2022/12/26 16:47

What's the scariest thing about teeth? Wisdom teeth? Dental caries? Crooked teeth? neither! After all, these dental problems can be repaired through treatment. For most people, receding gums are the scariest of all . Because gum recession is likely to be lifelong, how can we prevent and improve such terrible gum recession?

First of all, we must realize that once the gums have receded, it is very difficult to repair them! Many people think that receding gums are a kind of oral disease. In fact, it is not. Gingival recession is a common symptom of periodontal disease. Strictly speaking, it cannot be regarded as the name of a disease. After many people have symptoms of gingival recession, they will wonder: Why do I have gingival recession?

What is receding gums?

Gum recession, which is when the gums recede at the root of the tooth, exposing the root so your teeth look longer and longer. It should be noted that gingival recession is irreversible and it is difficult to fully recover.

Gingival recession is more common in older adults. But this is not to say that adults, young children, and teenagers will not have gum recession. Now more and more young people have begun to experience gum recession, so we must pay attention to ourselves.

Specific signs of gingival recession

1. Inflammatory gingival recession

Inflammatory gingival recession is the most common. The reason is that periodontitis causes periodontal tissue to be destroyed and causes atrophy, which makes the gingiva attached to the alveolar bone shrink toward the root of the tooth. It mostly occurs in periodontitis patients. people.
2. Mechanical gingival recession Mechanical gingival recession is mainly due to toothbrushes that do not meet the standards, incorrect brushing methods (such as horizontal brushing), bad restorations and other mechanical friction or compression of the gums, resulting in damage to the gums and alveolar bone. . This type of gingival recession mostly occurs in a group of teeth or individual teeth.
3. Disuse gingival recession Disuse gingival recession is generally due to the fact that the teeth have no chewing function, the periodontal tissue lacks functional stimulation, and is in a long-term waste state. At this time, the gums and alveolar bone will gradually absorb, leading to gingival recession . This is the same reason as a person who has been bedridden for a long time due to illness, leading to muscle atrophy.

4、Senile gingival atrophy and senile tooth atrophy generally only occur in the elderly, mainly due to age. It is a normal physiological phenomenon. With age, the functions of various organs of the human body are gradually declining. Age-related atrophy is generally characterized by recession of the gingiva and alveolar bone over most or all of the teeth.
5. Precocious gingival recession is the same as senile gingival recession, but it mostly occurs in younger young people. That is to say, young people will also have the symptoms of gingival recession in the elderly, so it is called premature gingival recession. According to the latest survey, premature gingival recession is mainly due to the pollution of living or eating environment and the premature recession of gums caused by taking certain drugs.

5、How to prevent and maintain gum recession


We must first clearly realize that gingival recession is irreversible, so our focus should be on prevention, and prevent it before it happens!
1. First of all, regular oral health care should be carried out.

It is recommended to clean your teeth every six months to one year, which is an effective measure to prevent gum inflammation. For those who have symptoms of periodontal disease, they should receive systematic periodontal treatment in time.

2、To master the correct method of brushing teeth.

3、It is recommended to use a soft-bristled toothbrush. Fluoride toothpaste is the best toothpaste, and the friction agent contained in it should be of appropriate thickness. At the same time, you must learn the correct brushing posture. It is recommended to use the vertical brushing method or the short horizontal vibration method. Floss daily as much as possible to clean hard-to-reach places with a toothbrush.
3. Remember not to be greedy for cheap and convenient. Oral problems are dealt with in some small clinics where the technical level is not guaranteed, the operation is not standardized, and there are potential safety hazards. This is also one of the reasons for many subsequent oral hidden dangers.
4. Daily self-screening, find abnormalities and seek medical treatment as soon as possible. If you feel that you have abnormal movement of individual teeth, you should go to the hospital for examination in time for symptomatic treatment. Early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment can avoid the aggravation of gingival recession.
5. Pay attention to your daily diet. Try not to eat foods with high sugar content, such as drinks, pastries, etc., especially do not eat these foods before going to bed, it is easy for food to stay in the teeth and breed bacteria.
As long as we do the above seriously, our teeth will remain healthy.