What is the process of fitting dentures?

2023/05/09 14:16

Installing dentures is a process that takes several to several months and is generally divided into the following steps:

Formulate a treatment plan: Before starting to install dentures, the dentist will conduct an oral examination and diagnosis on the patient, and work out the most suitable treatment plan and program for the patient. Including denture type, materials and cost budget and so on.

Taking an impression of the mouth: The dentist will take an impression of the patient's mouth so that dentures can be made in the laboratory to fit the shape of the patient's mouth.

Fabrication of dentures: Based on oral impressions, the laboratory creates dentures that fit the shape and color of the patient's mouth. Several try-ins and break-ins may be required during the fabrication process.

Denture installation: When the denture is completed, the dentist will install the denture into the patient's mouth according to the treatment plan and appointment time. During the installation process, it is necessary to ensure that the denture fits closely with the patient's own teeth, and the comfort is guaranteed to the greatest extent.

Follow-up checks: Follow-up checks are sometimes required after dentures are fitted to check that the dentures meet the patient's needs and fit. Make corrections when necessary.

During the denture fitting process, the patient should follow a specific diet and way of maintaining the denture to ensure the durability and aesthetics of the denture.