What to do if there are "holes" in the teeth? "Inlay" to understand!

2022/10/20 15:06

"Small holes are not filled, big holes suffer"

Many people realize they have cavities when cavities have already formed in their teeth. It's not a big problem at this point, and hurry up to the dentist to make up for it.

Fillings vs Inlays

The traditional method of filling a tooth is to grind away the decayed part of the tooth, then add a dental filling material, and finally polish it. This filling method is simple and quick, and can be completed at one time. It is also the most common operation in dentistry.

Because the filling body is directly formed in the mouth, it is difficult to obtain the ideal restoration effect due to the limitations of materials, visual field operations, patient mouth opening time, and grinding and polishing tools. Thus, "inlays" offer doctors and patients another option.

What is "Inlay"

An inlay is a restoration that is inserted into a tooth to restore the form and function of a missing tooth. Different from direct filling, inlay is an indirect restoration made on the model and fixed in the tooth defect area with cement.

inlay material


According to different materials, it is divided into metal inlays, resin inlays, porcelain inlays, etc. Among them, porcelain inlays have excellent aesthetic properties, wear resistance, realistic colors, lower thermal conductivity than metal inlays, and deep caries are not easy to stimulate teeth. marrow tissue.

Advantages of inlays


Better restore the occlusal shape and occlusal relationship

Better restoration of adjacency to avoid food impaction

Precise position of the gingival margin and close margins to avoid overhangs

better mechanical properties

Good adhesion to dental tissue

Kind tips

Good oral habits and long-term dentist follow-up are crucial for the life of the restoration. After the final restoration, you should also remember to maintain your teeth regularly!