What to do about tooth discoloration? These strategies are worth collecting!

2023/02/21 15:49

What is tooth staining?

Teeth staining can also be called tooth discoloration. Tooth staining occurs when colored substances adhere to the tooth surface or deposit on the enamel. The coloration usually appears as yellow, brown, white, gray, etc., and is usually determined by the cause of the coloration.

What are the types of tooth staining?

Extrinsic and intrinsic staining are the two main types of tooth staining.

1. Exogenous coloration

Extrinsic staining is tooth discoloration caused by small particles attached to the tooth surface, that is, tooth discoloration due to external factors.

Extrinsic staining of teeth is caused by accumulation of color-causing substances in small pits, fissures in the surface of the enamel. This coloration is mostly brown, black or gray , but also orange or yellow .

2. Endogenous coloration

Intrinsic staining is discoloration that occurs inside the tooth due to the penetration of small staining molecules into the enamel. This coloring can appear as red, pink or bright yellow . If only one tooth is discolored, the doctor will highly suspect endogenous

Why Do Teeth Stain?

There are actually many reasons that can lead to tooth staining.

Anything that can stain white cotton material can stain teeth, and the more intense the tint, the greater the potential for staining teeth. Acidic substances, which may not be pigments themselves, but acids help to erode tooth enamel making it softer and easier to stain.


The following are common causes of tooth staining:

1. Food and drink

Certain foods and drinks have been recognized as tooth-staining and contain tooth-staining substances, including:

Coffee : It contains pigments and tannins, which are active factors that cause tooth staining.

Tea : especially black tea, the pigments and tannins contained in it can also cause tooth staining.

Wine : especially red wine, which contains pigments and tannins that can also cause tooth staining, while colorless white wine has no pigment, but it will also easily stain teeth.

Cola : Because it contains pigments, it can cause quite serious tooth staining. And the carbon dioxide contained in cola is acidic, which will aggravate the occurrence of coloring.

Colored sauces : colors such as ketchup, curry sauce can cause tooth staining.

Colored fruits such as blackberries and grapes, the juices of which are also responsible for tooth staining.


2. Tobacco

Tobacco coloring is very common among smokers. When tobacco is chewed or smoked, both the nicotine and the tar in tobacco can cause teeth to stain.

Although nicotine itself is colorless, it turns yellow when it combines with oxygen, attaching to the teeth. And tar itself is black, so it will cause the teeth to turn black.


3. Oral bacteria

Long-term inadequate cleaning of teeth can lead to the deposition of plaque (making the tooth surface sticky), and bacteria can multiply on the tooth surface, resulting in green or orange deposits.

4. Certain Medications

Some medicines can discolor teeth as a side effect. Common drugs include:

overuse of fluoride

Tetracyclines cause endogenous discoloration of teeth, especially during the development of permanent teeth in children. They usually cause yellow or brown spots, plaques, to develop on the tooth surface.

5. Tooth decay

Lack of effective brushing or flossing can lead to tooth decay. Tooth decay can cause white, yellow, brown, or black plaques. Teeth tarnish due to penetration of cariogenic colored material.

6. Aging

That's right, your teeth will not be as white as when you were young.

Because as a person gets older, the outer layer of enamel erodes and the inner layer of yellow dentin is exposed. The teeth look a bit like they are yellowed.

7. Genetic factors

Some causes of tooth staining can be attributed to genetics.

Some people have a predisposition for tooth discoloration due to genetic problems. It is also possible that their enamel is thinner, making it easier for colored substances to "invade".

8. Poor oral hygiene

If food residues are deposited on the surface of the teeth, different residues can cause the teeth to turn white, yellow, black, brown or even green.

9. Restoration

Restorations such as crowns, veneers, inlays, etc. can turn yellow, brown, gray or even black if they are no longer functioning properly or have aged. These tooth stains are often associated with tooth decay from failed restorations.

White fillings can be stained, and metallic materials can also discolor teeth.

10. Tooth trauma

Teeth darken due to damage to the enamel or death of the nerves. Enamel damage can result from a car accident, acid erosion, or oral surgery involving a root canal.

How to prevent tooth staining?

Preventing tooth staining before it happens is far more effective than treating it after staining. Preventing tooth staining is not only easier to achieve, but also less expensive.

Staining can be prevented simply by following these points:

1. Adjust eating habits

Stop smoking and eating foods that stain teeth.

2. Maintenance of oral hygiene

Brush your teeth at least twice a day, preferably after every meal if you can. Use a suitable toothbrush. Many toothpastes contain ingredients to prevent tooth staining or to whiten teeth.

3. Teeth cleaning

Get professional teeth cleaning and polishing with a dentist-recommended polish. Use dental floss to prevent staining between teeth.


How to treat the stained teeth?

The helpless thing is that we often come to "do it" after the teeth are stained: can you quickly make my teeth white?

So, how do you get rid of discolored teeth? The following method can help you.

The choice of method depends on the type of shading, just choose the most suitable method. At the same time, the cost of teeth whitening can also affect your choice. If so, home teeth whitening can be an alternative to in-office whitening.


Teeth staining treatments include

Use tooth whitening products: suitable for exogenous coloring and endogenous coloring caused by root canal treatment.

Polish teeth using dental methods

Using a Teeth Home Whitening Kit

Whitening strips for teeth

use whitening toothpaste

Eat or chew more apples, pears, carrots and sugar-free chewing gum , the mouth will secrete a lot of saliva, which can help remove food residues left in the mouth.

Restorations: Tooth staining can be concealed with crowns, inlays, veneers or fixed bridges.