What causes loose teeth?

2023/02/20 16:22

Because of some bad habits or dental diseases,

Today there are many young people

Teeth started to loosen.

So what causes loose teeth?

And how to treat it?

Let me tell you about science today

Some causes of loose teeth.

periapical inflammation of the tooth:


If the tooth is loose and accompanied by tooth pain and discomfort, it may be inflammation of the periapical tissue of the tooth.


Many people may not understand, how can periapical inflammation cause tooth loosening?


In fact, acute apical periodontitis may cause the gums around the roots to become red and swollen, alveolar bone resorption and gum recession, resulting in loose teeth.



In this case, you should see a doctor in time and receive root canal treatment to avoid the continued deterioration of the situation and cause the tooth to become severely loose and be extracted.




If there is no obvious pain and discomfort in the teeth, but the weakness of biting objects occurs, then it may be periodontitis. Periodontal problems are a common cause of loose teeth.

Periodontitis is mainly a chronic inflammation of periodontal supporting tissues caused by local factors. The age of onset is more common
after the age of 35 . So, what causes periodontitis? Simply put, periodontitis is caused by poor oral environment. Some microorganisms that adhere to the surface of the teeth cannot be removed by rinsing or rinsing with water, forming dental plaque, and then developing into dental calculus. If it is not cleaned in time, it will give bacteria a better living environment and form a vicious circle.

In addition, factors such as food impaction, bad restorations, and mouth breathing are also incentives for periodontal tissue inflammation.


Periodontitis does not directly cause tooth loosening in the early stage, but as the disease progresses, the alveolar bone surrounding the root of the tooth undergoes chronic resorption. When the degree of resorption exceeds 1/2 of the root length, the supporting force of the tooth is weakened and will Increase the looseness of teeth.

In order to prevent periodontal disease, we usually do a good job of cleaning our teeth and cleaning our teeth regularly to prevent dental calculus from harming the health of the gums and causing loose teeth.



Malocclusion or grinding of teeth:

Abnormal stress on teeth caused by bite problems can also cause loose teeth.

If the occlusal condition of the teeth is bad, such as bad habits such as crooked teeth and bruxism at night, the occlusion of the teeth will cause trauma to the teeth and the teeth will become loose in the long run.

At this time, the occlusal relationship can be corrected through orthodontic treatment, and the harm to the teeth caused by night molars can be improved by wearing occlusal pads.

What are the dangers of loose teeth?


1. Decreased chewing function

After the teeth become loose, they cannot withstand the normal chewing force, saliva secretion decreases, gastrointestinal peristalsis slows down, unchewed food enters the gastrointestinal tract, and the burden on the gastrointestinal system increases, which leads to gastrointestinal dysfunction and affects the human body's nutrition. ingredient absorption.

2. Harm adjacent teeth

There is a limit to the chewing force that a tooth can withstand. When individual teeth are missing, the chewing force is concentrated on the remaining teeth. Because the chewing force exceeds the limit of the remaining teeth, the remaining teeth will cause trauma, resulting in periodontal ligament edema, gingival atrophy , Periodontal diseases such as alveolar bone resorption and loose teeth .

3. Deepen periodontal disease, a vicious circle

Tooth loosening leads to a corresponding enlargement of the tooth space, disordered occlusal relationship and tooth arrangement, resulting in the loss of the normal adjacency relationship of the remaining teeth, resulting in food impaction, which further leads to periodontal disease, forming a vicious circle.

Treatment for loose teeth


1. Early tooth loosening treatment

In the early stage of tooth loosening, it is mainly to perform tooth cleaning (tooth scaling) and subgingival scaling to remove calculus, plaque and other things that cause inflammation around the teeth, so as to reduce the inflammation around the teeth.

Subgingival scaling can effectively remove plaque and relieve periodontal disease

2. Late tooth loosening treatment

We usually tell patients not to pull out loose teeth easily unless it is absolutely necessary:

Permanent teeth cannot be regenerated, and if they are pulled out, they will leave you forever.

However, if the degree of looseness is too severe, the only option is to take tooth extraction. Removable dentures, crowns and implant restorations can then be performed depending on the patient's details.

Tooth loosening is an irreversible process, so early prevention is the top priority!


How to prevent loose teeth?


1. Master the brushing strength

If you brush your teeth too hard, over time, the enamel can be destroyed, and soft tissue recedes, creating pocket-like gaps between the teeth and gums.

It's like asking for trouble, inviting bacteria to "live" into this pocket, leading to infection of the periodontal tissue.

For better cleaning, a soft-bristle toothbrush is recommended.

2. Replace your toothbrush daily

Most dentists recommend changing your toothbrush once a month.

Because it only takes a few weeks for the soft, sleek bristles to explode into a mess.

When the bristles look like steel bristles, it's time to say goodbye.

3. Use dental floss to assist cleaning

In fact, brushing our teeth alone cannot clean the mouth deeply. We can also use dental floss to assist in deep cleaning of the teeth. Every morning and evening or after eating food, we use dental floss to scrape off the residue in the gap between the teeth, and then rinse our mouth.

4. Eat less hard food

It’s good to eat once in a while, but be careful to “boom” your teeth when you eat often.

5. Massage the gums

Massaging the gums with your fingers can promote blood circulation in the gums and effectively prevent gum recession and loose teeth. Fingers are very soft and will not harm the gums at all.

Method: After gargling, place the clean right index finger on the gum mucous membrane, massage from the root to the crown up and down and along the gum level in the front and back directions, and massage the upper and lower, left and right inner and outer gums for several minutes.

6. Regular teeth cleaning

Some people think that their teeth are quite healthy, and they brush their teeth well, so there is no need for scaling.

Actually not, tooth cleaning is more like a kind of health care. Washing away dental calculus and dental plaque can prevent gingival atrophy. Regular tooth cleaning can effectively reduce the incidence of periodontal disease.


We only have two sets of teeth in our life. If the teeth have become loose, we should see a doctor as soon as possible and actively treat them to protect our original teeth and enjoy a healthy taste.