What is CAD/CAM?

2022/10/18 14:03


CAD-Computer Aided Design


Computer-aided design (CAD-Computer Aided Design) refers to the use of computers and their graphics equipment to help designers carry out design work. In the design, a large number of calculations, analysis and comparison of different schemes are usually used to determine the optimal scheme; all kinds of design information, whether digital, text or graphics, can be stored in the computer's memory or external It can be stored and retrieved quickly; the designer usually starts the design with the sketch, and the heavy work of turning the sketch into a working drawing can be done by the computer; the design results automatically generated by the computer can be quickly drawn, so that the designer can timely Design judgments and modifications; use computers to perform graphic data processing work related to graphic editing, zooming in, zooming out, translation, copying and rotation.



CAM-Computer Aided Manufacturing


The core of CAM (computer Aided Manufacturing) is computer numerical control (NC for short), which is a process or system that applies computers to the manufacturing process. In 1952, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology first developed a CNC milling machine. Numerical control is characterized by the control of the machine tool by program instructions coded on perforated paper tape. Since then, a series of CNC machine tools have been developed, including multi-functional machine tools called "machining centers", which can automatically change tools and automatically change working positions from the tool magazine, and can continuously complete multiple processes such as milling, drilling, reaming, and tapping. , These are controlled by program instructions, and the processing process can be changed as long as the program instructions are changed. This kind of processing flexibility of CNC is called "flexibility".


What is a dental CAD/CAM machining system?


Dental CAD/CAM technology, also known as dental digital technology, is to digitize dental models and replace traditional manual operations with computer-aided design and auxiliary processing. The concept of Zhuotian Dental CAD/CAM technology is that Zhuotian people develop corresponding digital overall solutions for various traditional processes in dental restoration. Zhuotian Gear develops new products and system solutions according to customer needs, provides reliable quality and the best service, and reduces customer costs.