What are all-ceramic teeth? How long do all-ceramic teeth last?

2023/04/14 13:06

All-ceramic teeth have now become the most popular restoration for patients, and they can almost be faked. How long is the lifespan of all-ceramic teeth? Whether the price-performance ratio is really satisfactory is also a question worth exploring.

Overview of all-ceramic teeth

All-ceramic teeth, also known as all-ceramic crowns, are porcelain restorations that cover the entire surface of the crown and do not contain a metal inner crown. Since the inner crown is no longer made of metal, it is made of high-strength porcelain material similar to the color of the tooth, so it is more beautiful than the metal-based porcelain restoration, and its translucency is similar to that of natural teeth. Simulation effect, and has no stimulation to surrounding tissues.

The shelf life of all-ceramic teeth

There are two types according to different materials:

1. Glass-ceramic all-ceramic teeth. Such as: hot-pressed porcelain crowns, glass-infiltrated porcelain crowns, and glass-ceramic crowns ground by CAD/CAM technology, etc.

2. Alumina and zirconia all-ceramic teeth, through the application of CAD/CAM technology to grind the alumina and zirconia inner crowns, and then add the outer layer of porcelain through layered porcelain technology, the finished all-ceramic teeth or no outer layer Porcelain full zirconium crown.

Generally speaking, all-ceramic teeth are divided into the above two categories, and because the material is strong and stable, it has laid a foundation for durability and wear resistance. A porcelain-fused-to-metal tooth that has been strictly, standardized, and correctly operated, designed, and manufactured by a regular doctor has a service life of wearing it in the mouth. According to research on ordinary alloy porcelain, about 65% of it can be used for more than 20 years. All-ceramic teeth last longer than ordinary porcelain teeth. If you take good care of your all-ceramic teeth at ordinary times, the life span can be longer, even a lifetime. Conversely, the lifespan of all-ceramic teeth will also be reduced.

What factors will make all-ceramic teeth "short life"?

1. The material of all-ceramic teeth

When other conditions are the same, of course, a good material can be used for a longer period of time. Generally speaking, expensive materials are better, and you get what you pay for. But it's not perfect, the material that suits you is the best. Zirconia all-ceramic teeth are the best all-ceramic teeth now.

2. The condition of the teeth

When other conditions are the same, of course, a good material can be used for a longer period of time. Generally speaking, expensive materials are better, and you get what you pay for. But it's not perfect, the material that suits you is the best. Zirconia all-ceramic teeth are the best all-ceramic teeth now.

3. Personal usage

Personal usage has a certain relationship. Drinking porridge with all-ceramic teeth every day is definitely different from gnawing bones with it every day.

4. The level of doctors

The level of the dentist will also affect the service life of all-ceramic teeth. This is not difficult to understand. If the level of the doctor is relatively high, the all-ceramic teeth made will definitely last longer.

Zirconia all-ceramic tooth technology

1. Beautiful and realistic: the color of the teeth after treatment can be the same as the color of real teeth, and it will never change color. It will be the same as real teeth in the eyes of outsiders.

2. Wide range: It is suitable for all kinds of unsatisfactory teeth, such as irregular teeth, wide gaps between teeth, broken teeth, missing teeth, etc. can be made up by this method.

3. The required time is short: it is very convenient to make zirconia porcelain teeth. Generally, it can be completed in one week. It only needs two visits to the doctor. The teeth are prepared in the first time and installed in the second time.

4. Good biocompatibility: It does not irritate oral tissues after treatment, is easy to clean, has good biocompatibility, and generally does not cause tissue allergies.

5. Extremely high strength: After combining metal and ceramic powder through high temperature, it can have enough strength to withstand the chewing force in the mouth, wear-resistant and durable.

Seven advantages of zirconia all-ceramic teeth

1. Zirconium dioxide is a mineral that exists in baddeleyite

Medical zirconia has been cleaned and processed, and a small amount of α-ray residues remain in zirconium, and its penetration depth is very small, only 60 microns.

2. The density and strength of zirconia porcelain teeth are very high

(1) The strength is 1.5 times higher than that of the second generation of EMPRESS.

(2) The strength is more than 60% higher than that of INCERAM zirconia.

(3) Unique crack resistance and strong curing performance after cracking.

(4) Porcelain bridges with more than 6 units can be made, which solves the problem that all all-ceramic systems cannot make long bridges.

3. The color of zirconia porcelain teeth is natural and beautiful

Zirconia porcelain teeth, the natural feeling of tooth color and the inconspicuous crown edge are also the benefits of using zirconia all-ceramic restorations. Especially patients with high aesthetic requirements pay more attention to the advantage of its natural color, because it makes the prosthesis and healthy teeth integrated and it is difficult to distinguish them.

4. Zirconia porcelain teeth save trouble in the later stage

If the dentures inlaid in your mouth are metal-containing porcelain crowns, they will be affected or even removed when you need to do cranial X-ray, CT, and MRI examinations. Non-metallic zirconia does not block x-rays. As long as the teeth are inlaid with zirconia porcelain, there is no need to remove the dentures for cranial x-rays, CT, and MRI examinations in the future, saving a lot of trouble.

5. Zirconium dioxide is an excellent high-tech biomaterial

Good biocompatibility, superior to various metal alloys, including gold. Zirconium dioxide has no irritation and no allergic reaction to the gums, and is very suitable for use in the oral cavity, avoiding adverse reactions such as allergies, irritations, and corrosion caused by metals in the oral cavity.

6. Zirconia porcelain teeth have high strength

Compared with other all-ceramic restoration materials, the strength advantage of zirconia porcelain dental material enables doctors to achieve extremely high strength without grinding the patient's real teeth too much. It is known as ceramic steel

7. High quality zirconia porcelain teeth

Zirconia porcelain teeth are of extremely high quality. The high quality is not only due to its materials and expensive equipment, but also because it uses the most advanced computer-aided design, laser scanning, and then controlled grinding by computer programs. Perfection.

Kind tips

All-ceramic teeth are strong and durable, and can accompany you for a lifetime under normal circumstances. However, its shelf life is affected by various factors such as materials, technology, and future care. Therefore, please take good care of your teeth and pay attention to your oral health.