"Toothache strain" Back off! ——What should I do if I encounter dental problems during the new crown infection?

2022/12/30 15:24


Why do oral problems occur during the new crown infection?

1. Low immunity

The new coronavirus generally does not directly cause dental problems, but the toothache or swollen gums that occur after the new coronavirus infection is most likely caused by weakened immunity. When the body is fighting against the virus, the bacteria in the oral cavity attack when the immunity is weakened, which can easily induce acute and chronic inflammation of the oral cavity, such as wisdom tooth inflammation, gingival swelling and pain, toothache, oral ulcers, etc.

2. Poor oral hygiene

During the infection of the new coronavirus, some patients did not pay attention to oral hygiene and did not brush their teeth properly, which made the existing dental caries more serious, which may lead to oral emergencies such as acute pulpitis, apical periodontitis, and even interstitial infection, leading to oral problems.


What should I do if I encounter dental problems during the new crown infection?

A: Mild gum bleeding can often be the result of poor oral hygiene or periodontal problems. At this time, you should eat less spicy food and keep your mouth clean.

If the gums bleed when brushing your teeth, you can choose to use a small-head or soft-bristled toothbrush, and increase the frequency of brushing your teeth. If necessary, you can rinse your mouth with mouthwash or light salt water.

Tooth pain?

A: If the teeth have irritating pain when eating, but no pain when not eating, you should reduce the chewing of the teeth on the affected side at this time, avoid cold, hot, sour, sweet and other stimuli, and use your teeth carefully after eating. Clean your teeth with floss, mouthwash, flossers, etc., and maintain good oral hygiene.

If it is persistent pain, when the pain is mild, you can take metronidazole and other antibiotics for anti-inflammatory treatment by yourself (pay attention to whether you have a history of drug allergy) to see if the symptoms can be relieved; if the pain is severe, you may even wake up at night when you sleep. It is recommended to seek medical treatment in time.


Antipyretic drugs such as ibuprofen and Fenbid taken during the COVID-19 period can also be used to relieve pain, and repeated use should not be used, resulting in overdose.

Canker sores?

A: During the period of infection with the new crown, it is necessary to achieve a balanced nutrition, a light diet, and eat more foods rich in fiber to ensure the intake of B vitamins.

If you get oral ulcers during the infection with the new crown, it will basically heal itself in 3-5 days. If the pain is severe, or local ulcers occur repeatedly and cannot be relieved by medication, it is recommended to go to the hospital for treatment.

Inflammation of wisdom teeth?

A: Take anti-inflammatory drugs (metronidazole, etc.) orally if necessary, pay attention to a reasonable diet, use mouthwash as an aid, and continue to observe at home when the condition improves. , to do a good job of personal protection and seek medical treatment in time. Please be sure to do a good job of oral cleaning, especially the wisdom teeth and the inflamed parts around them, to avoid the deterioration of inflammation.

During the new crown infection

Remember to keep your mouth clean! Remember to keep your mouth clean! Remember to keep your mouth clean! (Say important things 3 times)

Use fluoride toothpaste!

Brush your teeth with the Pap method!

Floss properly!

If it is inconvenient to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth, you can also choose to chew sugar-free gum or xylitol gum to promote saliva secretion, which also has the effect of removing food residue and cleaning teeth.


Finally, I wish you all

Early "Yangkang"!

Teeth are great!

In good health!