Teeth loosen, gums recede, roots elongate, roots are here...

2022/11/18 16:50
Our teeth are equivalent to a big tree, and the periodontal tissue is equivalent to the soil around the roots of the tree. Once periodontal disease occurs, it is equivalent to soil erosion. The soil around the roots of the tree is gone, and the tree will fall Lost. In the same way, when the gums shrink and the roots of the teeth are exposed, the teeth will be very sensitive at this time, and they will be sore and uncomfortable when they are stimulated by cold, hot, sour, sweet, etc. If the continuous loss of water and soil is allowed, the roots of the tree will be exposed, and the big tree will fall down. Teeth shrink and eventually the teeth will become deformed, loose, and fall out, just like an old man who loses his teeth. Now the incidence of gingival atrophy is increasing year by year, and the age of onset is getting younger. According to an epidemiological sampling survey conducted by the Dental Defense Organization, 82% and 97% of adults and elderly people have gingival atrophy. Studies have also shown that more than 50% of young people suffer from gingival recession. Causes of receding gums The teeth are the bones, and the gums are the collaterals of the stomach. The health of the gums directly depends on the stomach qi . The so-called stomach qi here does not refer to the stomach alone, but the entire gastrointestinal digestive system. Moreover, stomach qi in traditional Chinese medicine is related to the liver, gallbladder, and spleen. Disharmony between the liver and spleen, and abnormal digestion of the stomach and intestines are likely to cause gum atrophy. In fact, the health of the gums is based on sufficient "qi, blood, and essence". Generally, the thicker the flesh of the gums, the more abundant the "qi, blood, and essence" of a person. Healthy gums are bright red, full of flesh, tight Wrap the teeth tightly without leaving any gaps. If you run your fingers up the gums along the root of the tooth, you will touch the full and strong gums. Another obvious manifestation of thick gums is that the upper and lower teeth are neatly arranged and slightly inclined inward. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that since the culprits of gum recession are insufficient qi, blood, and essence, and poor spleen and stomach , then through conditioning, the "qi, blood, and essence" can be re-raised, and combined with some physical methods, the gums will thicken again and cover the teeth again. , become bright red and plump. Pale pink gums - lack of energy and blood The gums are receding, and the color of the gums becomes lighter, which is pale pink. The lighter the color, the worse the blood supply. At the same time, there may be loose teeth, bleeding gums, dizziness, easy fatigue, insomnia and dreaminess, pale tongue with thin white coating. Such a situation is mainly based on weakness of the spleen and stomach, and deficiency of the spleen leads to insufficient biochemistry of qi and blood. People with weak and cold constitutions have dark pink gums. Because people with deficiency-cold constitution prefer cold food and lack of exercise, stasis occurs in the body, so the color is darker. For conditioning, you can often eat some food therapy that invigorates the spleen and nourishes qi and blood, such as pumpkin yam, millet, and jujube porridge. . You can also often moxibustion the Zusanli, Guanyuan and Xuehai points. Deep red gums - people with kidney deficiency, people who get angry often or have high anger, and people with Yin deficiency constitution, the color of gums is crimson, that is, dark red, and these people often have gum bleeding problems. It can be subdivided into three types: 1. Stomach fire: receding gums, deep red color, exposed teeth roots, bad breath, thirst, constipation, craving for cold food, thick yellow tongue coating, and a relatively dark color on the whole tongue red. People with a big stomach fire usually eat a lighter diet, eat more vegetarian food, eat less greasy and sweet food, and avoid overeating and irregular meals. 2. Kidney yin deficiency: receding and festering gums, slightly red and swollen edges, exposed teeth roots, loose teeth, backache, hot hands and feet, red tongue, less tongue coating. You can often eat black sesame, wolfberry, mulberry and other nourishing yin and kidney products. The most important thing is to stay up late less. Sleep is the best method for nourishing yin. Not obvious. 3. Liver stagnation with heat: gingival recession, gum color is deep red, irritable personality or long-term depression, liver stagnation for a long time turns into fire, resulting in relatively large liver fire, and at the same time consumes yin blood and body fluid in the body, resulting in inflammation of asthenic fire. Medical research also shows that people with high mental stress have a higher incidence of gum recession. This kind of people should eat more foods that soothe the liver, relieve depression and clear liver heat, such as roses, hawthorns, tangerine peels, chrysanthemums, etc., which can be used to make tea or put in porridge. However, the most important thing is to adjust one's own mentality. Only when the mood is comfortable and the liver stagnation is resolved, can the heat be fundamentally cleared away. With the four physical methods, the gums can recover faster 1. The method of knocking teeth and swallowing fluid "Xiaoyaozi Daoyin Jue" says: The disease of the teeth is the steaming of the spleen and stomach. In the early morning (it is dawn) when waking up, tap the teeth 36 times, and stir the gums with the tongue, no matter how many times, the body fluid can fill the mouth before swallowing, and stop every three times. And when doing urination, close your mouth and tap the teeth tightly, and then open it after the solution, and you will never have tooth disease. Gently tap the upper and lower teeth 36 times a day, then massage the gums with your tongue, and when there is a lot of body fluid in your mouth, swallow it slowly in three mouthfuls. This has a very good effect of nourishing yin and reducing fire, promoting body fluid and tonifying kidney, and can also prevent gum bleeding and gum recession. 2. Teeth wiping method Teeth wiping is one of the ancient dental health care methods. That is, use your fingers as a toothbrush, put salt or medicine into your mouth, or directly stick salt or medicine to your teeth. Use the index finger or middle finger to follow the direction of tooth growth, massage from the root to the chewing surface, repeat several times, 2 times a day, 10 minutes each time, the movements should be gentle and slow. You can also massage the gums with the tip of your tongue in the same way to dredge the blood of the gums and improve the disease resistance of local tissues. The combination of wiping teeth and knocking teeth is better. 3. To warm teeth , brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with warm water. Warm water refers to water with a water temperature of about 35°C. We know that the temperature in the oral cavity of the human body is constant, and at this temperature, the teeth and gums can carry out normal metabolism. If you do not pay attention to the water temperature when brushing your teeth or rinsing your mouth, the teeth and gums are often stimulated by sudden cold and hot, which may aggravate tooth and gum diseases and shorten the life span of teeth. Conversely, brushing your teeth with cold water for a long time is also prone to gingival atrophy, loose teeth and falling off. 4. Brush your teeth correctly Learning the correct way of brushing your teeth can avoid some periodontal diseases and reduce the damage to the gums, which is conducive to the growth of shrinking gums. 1. Brush the outer surface of the teeth first, put the bristles of the toothbrush and the surface of the teeth at an angle of 45 degrees, and press lightly on the junction of the teeth and gums, and gently brush back and forth in a small arc shape. The teeth on the upper row go from the gums to Gently brush downwards, brushing the lower teeth upwards from the gums. 2. Brush the occlusal surface again, hold the toothbrush flat, and brush the occlusal surface of the teeth back and forth with moderate force. 3. Then brush the inner surface, erect the toothbrush, and use the front end of the toothbrush to gently clean the inner surface of the teeth up and down. 4. Finally, lightly brush the surface of the tongue to remove food residues and bacteria from the inside out, which can keep the breath fresh. (Because there are some bacteria in the tongue coating.) Note: 1. Too long brushing time and too much force will not make the teeth cleaner, but may damage the protective film of the teeth and cause permanent damage to the teeth. 2. It is best to use warm water when brushing your teeth. 3. Before brushing your teeth, do not dip the toothbrush in water, and do not rinse your mouth with water. 4. From one direction or from different directions and angles, try to stretch the bristles into and stick to the tooth surface so that it can be cleaned.