Repeat this brushing habit every day and your teeth will only get worse!

2023/02/14 15:28

brushing too hard

May break teeth



If you don't use a poor-quality toothbrush, in most cases, the main reason for the crooked toothbrush bristles is to brush your teeth too hard.


And brushing too hard is not just as simple as making the gums bleed easily. If this happens for a long time, a "wedge-shaped defect" may be ground on the tooth .


In terms of imagery, not only the "hairline" (gum line) of the teeth will gradually move back, but the teeth themselves have also been "highly amputated".


Brush horizontally vigorously

On the contrary, it is easy to brush uncleanly



Friends who have had tooth decay should have experience. The places where teeth are easily "decayed" by dental plaque are often not in the front, but in the corners, such as the inside of the teeth or the molars at the back.


When you brush vigorously across, it is easier to ignore these places where dirt is hidden. It takes a lot of effort to brush your teeth, but the plaque in key positions cannot be cleaned. Brushing your teeth in this way can be said to be actively extending your head to the drill in the dental office.


how to brush your teeth

Is it considered "not vigorous"?



In fact, in the "Pap teeth brushing method" recommended by dentists, the answer has been given:


The bristles are inclined at 45 degrees toward the gums and close to the tooth surface, and then use 150 g of force (similar to rubbing things with an eraser) to maintain a "small (about 2 mm) horizontal tremor" of 2 to 3 teeth each time [1] , to put it bluntly The only thing is to replace the original "big saw" action with a finer "embroidery work" with less force and higher frequency.