Proposals for Dental Development Prospects

2023/01/28 14:58

The market demand for dentistry is very large, and the current dental market is uneven, which is far from meeting the needs of ordinary people. Dental medical skills are superb, and the market prospect is very broad.

The future employment of stomatology is infinitely broad:


1. One dentist is needed for every 2,000 people, and the current domestic demand is increasing sharply.


2. It is recommended that stomatology be engaged in aesthetic restoration, periodontal care, and implant restoration.


3. With the improvement of income level and quality of life, people will pay more and more attention to oral health. At present, first-tier cities have shown a demand for stomatologists. At the same time, oral treatment, as an independent category, has a strong regional sex.


4. Dental treatment does not require too many large-scale instruments, and opening is relatively simple. At present, there will be more and more dental clinics, so the demand for dentists will also increase rapidly.

After graduation, you can work in dental work in large hospitals, or open a small clinic by yourself, or engage in related plastic surgery in beauty institutions, etc.


Everyone has a desire for beauty, so more and more people will see their teeth. Therefore, the employment prospect of stomatology is quite good, not as hopeless as some people say.

Stomatology is based on the consumption of oral medical services and includes dual attributes of medical treatment and consumption. It is an industry that provides related medical services to meet the needs of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of oral and maxillofacial diseases, and oral beauty.


At present, the dental medical industry has entered a prosperous era, and the demand side, supply side, policy side and capital side work together to further promote the rapid development of the dental industry. However, at present, my country's dental industry still faces pain points such as lack of residents' awareness of oral health, shortage of dentists, uneven distribution of dental medical resources, and frequent clinic operation problems.

At present, the competition pressure of domestic implants in the upstream of my country's oral industry chain is high, and domestic substitution opportunities are gradually emerging; the duopoly market structure of the orthodontic market is stable in the short term, and is expected to change in the long term;


In addition, the oral CBCT market is gradually breaking foreign monopoly; the upstream digitalization is relatively high. The concentration in the middle reaches of the oral cavity continues to increase, and comprehensive oral service platforms with integration capabilities have begun to emerge, connecting and integrating upstream resources, serving downstream clinic doctors, and using the digital service system to help the entire dental industry. The privatization of downstream dental medical institutions is accelerating, and digital technology has penetrated into marketing, operation, and diagnosis and treatment to help dental medical institutions transform.

First of all, in order to maintain the oral health and general health of our residents and meet the growing oral health needs of the people, a comprehensive oral prevention and control system should be established to popularize oral health knowledge among the people;


Secondly, in order to solve the payment dilemma, we should start with insurance, supplement the national medical insurance, pay first, adopt the "commercial insurance + medical service" model, integrate the payment and service system, and create a closed loop combining commercial insurance and dental care;


Finally, the digitization process of each industry chain will be further accelerated, and intelligent products will connect, integrate, and promote the development of the entire dental industry, constantly spawning and exploring new development models, and ultimately benefiting patients.