Practical oral knowledge

2023/03/14 13:49

According to statistics, the occurrence of oral diseases is second only to colds, and is one of the diseases that the human body is most likely to get.

It is often said that good teeth are good for appetite. In fact, problems with teeth may not only lead to poor appetite, but even malnutrition, causing some systemic diseases. Taking good care of your teeth is equally important to your overall health.

01. Wisdom teeth are useless, should they be removed?

Although wisdom teeth are useless, and even some people do not have wisdom teeth yet, wisdom teeth that are in the right position and have opposing teeth should not be easily removed. However, if the position of the wisdom tooth is not correct, and it is often inflamed and swollen, it needs to be extracted. Generally, the upper wisdom teeth are easier to extract than the lower ones, especially the embedded wisdom teeth need a minor operation with local anesthesia. After wisdom teeth extraction, you must rest well.

02. Does scaling your teeth hurt? It’s okay if you don’t scale your teeth, right?

It doesn't hurt and should be washed every six months. Why should you brush your teeth regularly? This starts with the composition and hazards of calculus. Calculus is an important pathogenic factor for bleeding gums, bad breath, gingivitis and periodontal disease. Regular removal of calculus can prevent most oral diseases. Calculus will regenerate, so regular cleaning is required, the frequency is generally six months to one year. At present, the commonly used method of cleaning teeth is ultrasonic cleaning method, which has little stimulation and does not damage teeth.

03. After scaling, the space between the teeth increases and the teeth feel uncomfortable. Does the scaling damage my teeth?

If you do not wash your teeth for a long time, a large amount of calculus will accumulate and cause inflammation of the gums and periodontal area. After washing your teeth, the teeth will be exposed again, and there will be sensitivity. This is normal, and the degree will gradually decrease after about a week. Teeth scaling uses ultrasonic waves to shake off the tartar, which will not damage the teeth. After the tartar between the teeth is cleaned and the gingivitis is relieved, the gap between the teeth will feel enlarged, so there is no need to worry too much.

04. Why do teeth become loose?

Because of periodontal disease. The accumulation of calculus at the junction of teeth and gums causes bacteria and toxins to gradually invade and destroy the alveolar bone. The earliest manifestation is gum bleeding, followed by varying degrees of loosening. If no measures are taken, the fate of the tooth is to fall out.

05. What kind of people are most prone to periodontal disease?

Habitual smokers: Long-term smoking can cause tar to deposit on the tooth surface, adhere to dental plaque and soft dirt, and form calculus.

Mouth breathers: The surface of the gums is dry due to exposure, and the tooth surface lacks self-cleaning effect, which can cause plaque to accumulate and cause inflammation.

People with crowded teeth: the dentition is not aligned, it is not easy to clean the mouth, resulting in food impaction and periodontal disease.