Popular science丨Is it necessary for adults to do orthodontics?

2023/02/13 16:47


— Let the teeth change to “slant” and return to normal —


With the improvement of oral health awareness

More and more adults are joining the army of orthodontics

Already 30+, can I also go for orthodontics?

Will it recur easily after correction?

Is it necessary to "follow the trend" in order to look good?




Is there an age limit for orthodontics?


There is no exact age limit for orthodontics. Generally, according to the oral condition of the individual, different orthodontic methods can be applied to different age groups for orthodontics.


Teen Orthodontics

It is conducive to the physical and mental health of teenagers, does not affect children's eating, and does not affect growth and development. Easy to clean the mouth, greatly reducing the risk of tooth surface demineralization and dental caries. Invisible braces are almost transparent and comfortable, and the number of follow-up visits is small, which basically does not affect the learning time.



Orthodontics for adults

Invisible braces are beautiful and difficult to be noticed, do not affect social interaction and work, have low foreign body sensation, and are more comfortable than traditional orthodontics.



When do you need orthodontics?



01. Protruding teeth


deep covering



02. Anterior crossbite


It means that the lower teeth protrude and exceed the upper front teeth, which can easily make the whole face into what people call a "crescent face", which especially affects the appearance, and can also cause a significant decline in the chewing function of the back teeth.



03. Misocclusion


The upper jaw does not align with the lower jaw. People with malocclusion often have misaligned midlines of the upper and lower dentition, accompanied by temporomandibular joint problems. In severe cases, bone problems may occur. In such cases, facial asymmetry needs to be corrected, and functional changes may be more important. and joint problems.



04. Tooth crowding


Due to the lack of space in the dental arch, it is impossible to accommodate all the teeth normally. It is manifested that the arrangement of the teeth is disordered due to insufficient space, which affects the shape of the dental arch and the occlusal relationship. Severe tooth crowding not only affects oral cleaning, but also easily leads to various oral diseases.



05. Sparse dentition


It often shows that the number of teeth is lower than the normal value, the speech will leak, and eating is often hindered. The extra space between the teeth, due to lack of tooth protection, can cause the surrounding teeth to loosen, leading to gingivitis and increasing the risk of periodontal disease.



06. open


Bad oral habits such as sticking out tongue, licking teeth, sticking out tongue, sucking fingers, etc., are common causes of teeth cracking.



Is it easy to relapse after invisible correction?


Like all orthodontic treatments, some patients may relapse after invisible orthodontic treatment, so when you end the invisible orthodontic treatment, the doctor will ask you to wear a retainer to prevent recurrence.


PLEASE NOTE: Retainers are very important! To reduce the risk of recurrence, it is recommended to continue following your dentist's instructions after orthodontic treatment, wear a retainer, and have regular checkups. By maintaining good oral hygiene and lifestyle, you can maximize the benefits of your orthodontics.





How to avoid restart after correction?


Tips for removing and wearing invisible aligners

When wearing braces for the first time, we first need to learn how to wear braces correctly. Generally speaking: first align the front teeth, press firmly with your fingers, and then press back to both sides to press the back teeth tightly. When removing the braces, you should first lift up the inner side of the braces on the back teeth, and then remove the braces downwards and outwards. Do not pull and twist the braces at the beginning. Twisting the braces will cause the braces to deform and affect the expression of the braces.



Seriously bite the glue

It is recommended to bite the gum for 5 minutes every time the braces are put on or replaced with new braces, the purpose is to make the braces and aligners fit better and facilitate tooth movement.

Many people, as they grow older,

Gradually realize the importance of dental health

Are you troubled by crooked teeth and want to straighten your teeth?

Kong has the heart to straighten his teeth, but he is unwilling to move

Are you afraid of pain, ugly, or troublesome?

If you want to straighten your teeth, now is the best time


Many people, as they grow older,

Gradually realize the importance of dental health

Are you troubled by crooked teeth and want to straighten your teeth?

Kong has the heart to straighten his teeth, but he is unwilling to move

Are you afraid of pain, ugly, or troublesome?

If you want to straighten your teeth, now is the best time