Know early and act early to prolong the life of your teeth!

2023/01/04 15:38

Tooth pain in many elderly people

periodontal tissue atrophy root exposure

Loosening and loss of teeth

Think it's normal "getting old"


The main reason for this phenomenon is that the elderly with periodontal disease should pay attention to oral health care and prevent it as soon as possible



Tooth loss = premature aging?

Behind premature aging lies the health crisis of tooth loss

Many people think that people have 28-32 permanent teeth, and it doesn't matter if one or two are missing. In fact, when a tooth falls out, the danger of missing teeth occurs quietly.

Accelerates the loss of other healthy teeth

If left unattended for a long time after missing teeth, the balance of the entire oral cavity will be disrupted.

Neighboring teeth fall in the direction of missing teeth, and the burden on good teeth continues to increase. At the same time, it also causes problems such as clogged teeth, bad breath, tooth decay, etc., thus affecting the entire mouth of teeth.

Affects nutrient absorption and physical health

It is said that "health comes from eating", but the teeth are gone, where does health come from?

The analysis and investigation of the population with missing teeth found that the ratio of gastric cancer and intestinal cancer is higher for those with missing teeth than those with healthy teeth. Due to the decline in chewing ability, the probability of suffering from cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's will also be greatly increased for those who lack teeth.

The biggest culprit is periodontitis

Modern clinical medical research shows that teeth do not fall out "old", periodontal disease is a major cause.

  Many people usually encounter red, swollen, bleeding gums, etc., thinking that it is getting angry, but they do not know that it is periodontitis.

There are two main types of periodontitis:

Juvenile periodontitis : The onset will start in the 20s, and the development is very fast. Once it reaches the middle and late stages, the teeth will start to loosen. If the disease is serious, many teeth will fall out in the 40s.

     Senile periodontitis : It occurs in the 40s and 50s, mainly due to dental hygiene problems.

How to Extend the Life of Your Teeth


1. Lost teeth should be replaced as soon as possible

 Whether you are a young friend or a middle-aged and elderly person, you should pay attention to your oral health. If you have missing teeth, you should repair them as soon as possible, and plug the gap at the root of the problem as soon as possible.

2. For strong teeth, prevent them

Prevention of periodontal disease includes two aspects:

First of all, it is self plaque control, which is commonly referred to as brushing teeth. To use the correct method of brushing your teeth.

In addition to brushing your teeth, you can also use interdental brushes, dental floss, etc. to clean the adjacent surfaces of the teeth and the places where the toothbrush cannot reach.

The second aspect is to go to a specialized stomatology department for regular oral examinations to detect problems early and treat them early.

In addition, the most basic and effective step to prevent and treat periodontal disease is to wash your teeth regularly 1-2 times a year.


Correct orthodontics can help prolong the life of teeth


Many people worry that orthodontics will cause the roots of the teeth to loosen, which will affect the life of the teeth.

Orthodontics just adjusts the position of the teeth in the jawbone. Its movement range is within the physiological range. Generally, our teeth can basically move 1-1.5 mm per month without damaging the tooth tissue at all.

Under this normal rhythm, let each tooth slowly move to its proper position, the balance of the entire mouth will naturally return, and the teeth will stabilize.