How to wear different dentures and precautions

2023/03/17 15:43

fixed dentures

1. The materials for fixed denture restoration are generally metal and porcelain, so it is not advisable to bite hard food after restoration, such as hard objects such as bones, sugar cane, and shells, so as to avoid cracking of porcelain and fracture of crown or root, which will affect porcelain. The beauty and function of the crown.

2. Since fixed denture restoration needs to grind some healthy teeth, during the restoration, there may be a phenomenon of cold and heat sensitivity of the teeth for a period of time after the restoration, so it may gradually reduce until it disappears for a period of time after the restoration.

3. If symptoms of pulpitis or periapical periodontitis appear after the fixed denture is repaired, it should be removed if necessary, and then root canal treatment should be done. Inflammation of the tissue around the restoration may also occur after fixed restoration, and the patient needs to follow the doctor's advice to maintain oral hygiene carefully. You can also use dental floss or a special toothbrush to clean under the guidance of a doctor to avoid inflammation of the tissue around the restoration, and go to the hospital for regular checkups to ensure the health of the abutment teeth and periodontal teeth. Do not eat food that is too cold or too hot immediately, as it may cause sensitivity.

removable dentures

1. When the dentures are first put in, there may be increased saliva, unclear pronunciation, poor retention, and nausea. This is a normal phenomenon. After a period of adaptation, the above phenomenon will gradually disappear.

2. Pay attention to the cleaning of dentures. After eating every day, it must be taken out, rinsed with water and rinsed, so as not to affect the health of the oral mucosa. Before going to bed at night, take out the dentures, scrub them with a toothbrush, and carefully scrub every reserved tooth in your mouth. Then wash the dentures and soak them in cold water to keep them clean.

3. After wearing the denture for the first time, if there is slight pain and discomfort, keep wearing it for a period of time. If wearing and eating pain is obvious, you need to go to the hospital for follow-up consultation in time. Under normal circumstances, the service life of movable dentures is 3-5 years. If the dentures become loose or do not fit properly, a new set of dentures will be required. Because the human mucosa and alveolar bone have different degrees of slow absorption and atrophy process.

full dentures

1. After wearing dentures or wearing them for a period of time, due to various reasons, there may be problems or symptoms, which should be modified in time to protect the health of oral tissues and restore their functions.

2. Common problems include: pain, poor retention, dysphonia, nausea, lip and cheek biting, tongue biting, and poor chewing function. The above problems can be solved after the doctor designs and modifies.

3. Some patients think that after wearing dentures, they should be the same as real teeth immediately, and there is no problem in talking and eating. Because of problems such as easy loosening and dislocation, inability to eat, excessive saliva, and slurred speech due to inability to use or inadaptability, it is considered that the doctor has not done a good job. When the doctor confirms that the patients will not use or feel uncomfortable, they should cooperate and insist on wearing it. It can be obviously improved after wearing for a period of time. (doctor-patient cooperation)

4. When the dentures are not in use, they should be cleaned and soaked in clean cold water or cold water containing denture cleaners. They should not be washed with hot water or organic solvents, and should not be stored dry. Be careful not to deform or break the dentures due to large external forces.

5. In short, the first steps should be taken to: enhance confidence in using dentures; correct incorrect occlusal habits; avoid wearing too early and chewing hard food; brush dentures after meals and remove them before going to bed; regularly review.