How to protect teeth?

2023/01/31 15:45

How to protect teeth?


1. Diet and mouth care


Eggs, fruits, vegetables, pork rib soup, etc. are rich in protein, minerals, vitamins, etc. Regular consumption is good for teeth. Insufficient protein intake by the human body is prone to dental caries. In addition, you should pay attention to protecting your teeth when eating, and avoid eating too much hot and sour food to prevent tooth enamel from being corroded and damaged.


2. Massage the gums


Massage the gums in a certain direction with your thumb and forefinger for 10 minutes each time, which can promote blood circulation in the gums, alveolar and dental pulp, and prevent premature atrophy of the gums.


3. Chewing correctly


The correct way to chew is to use the teeth on both sides alternately. If one side of the teeth is often used for chewing, the unused side lacks physiological stimulation and is prone to tissue atrophy, while the side that often chews is overloaded, which is likely to cause pulpitis, and cause facial misalignment and affect the appearance.


4. Bite hard


Every time I urinate, I clench my teeth hard, and I must do it every day without interruption. This can promote the new metabolism of the oral mucosa and the blood circulation of the gums, exercise the muscles of mastication, and enhance the function of the teeth.


5. Rinse your mouth with drum ribs


Do one or two daily gargling actions with closed mouth and cheeks, and turn the tongue left and right, which can increase the secretion of saliva, wash and stimulate the tooth surface, teeth gap and oral mucosa to a certain extent, make the oral cavity self-cleaning, and protect the health of the teeth .


6. Gargle with tea


Rinse your mouth with tea after every meal, and let the tea wash your teeth and both sides of your tongue in your mouth. This can remove tartar, improve the physiological functions of oral orbicularis muscle and oral mucosa, and enhance the anti-acid and anti-corrosion ability of teeth.


7. Tap the teeth, throat, and fluid


Every morning when I wake up and go to sleep, I insist on tapping each other between the upper and lower teeth. At the beginning, tap more than a dozen times, and then increase the number and force of tapping every day, reaching about 50 times per tapping. This method can enhance the toughness of the periodontal tissue fiber structure, promote blood circulation in the gums and face, and keep the teeth strong. Swallowing saliva after tapping teeth is also good for health preservation.


8. Keep your mouth clean


To insist on brushing your teeth with warm water every morning and evening, brushing your teeth before going to bed is more important than brushing your teeth in the morning. In addition, rinse your mouth with water after three meals a day. When rinsing your mouth, use the momentum of the water to remove food residues in the teeth as much as possible. If it is very tightly embedded, it can also be removed with a toothpick. You should go to the hospital regularly to remove the calculus on the tooth surface to prevent the occurrence of periodontitis.


9. Control spicy, hot and cold food


Avoid spicy, hot food, so you can stay away from mouth ulcers. You should also stay up late and smoke less, which can prevent periodontitis. Many people are busy with various social activities and perfunctory about oral hygiene, which causes a sharp increase in the number of oral bacteria. Smoking, drinking, and staying up all night reduce oral saliva secretion, and the resistance of periodontal tissue decreases, and oral bacteria will take advantage of it. , resulting in an acute attack of periodontitis.


10. Beware of the attack of acute periodontitis


The oral diseases most likely to occur during holidays are acute pulpitis and acute periodontitis. This is due to the increased frequency of eating, drinking, staying up late and having fun during the holidays, which reduces the body's defense function, resulting in the onset or recurrence of latent lesions in the oral cavity or teeth. Therefore, it is necessary to check the oral cavity in time, and solve minor problems as soon as possible.




16 Mouth Care Secrets


1. Don't think that high cholesterol levels will only make you fat. In fact, excessive intake of cholesterol can lead to periodontal disease.


2. If the hands suddenly bleed when washing hands, people usually bandage themselves or go to the doctor. But when brushing your teeth, there was blood, but everyone turned a blind eye to it. And bleeding gums could be a sign that you have periodontal disease.


3. Even with healthy gums, you should see a dentist twice a year, but most people can't do it.


4. In many patients, a strange phenomenon can be found: periodontal disease often has a serious impact on the large teeth at the back of the mouth, but the front teeth of the patient are very healthy. The reason is, people only carefully brush the teeth that others can see.


5. Dentists always tell patients with severe gum disease to floss, but it's not the only time you need flossing. It's like how often you need to clean the bottom of your shirt pocket so it doesn't collect debris.


6. When people meet for the first time, the first thing they notice is the eyes, then the teeth, and the third is the hair. Yet people spend far more money on their hair than on their teeth.


7. To maintain oral hygiene, you need to brush your teeth for 10 minutes a day. However, the average brushing time for adults is only 2 or 3 minutes, and the average time for children is even less.


8. People who smoke often use mints or mouthwash to cover the smell of smoke. However, the stench from tobacco has invaded the gum tissue, and these tissues are distributed in the oral cavity, so mints or mouthwash are not protective. tooth function.


9. When people brush their teeth, they often only brush the surface, and it is difficult to brush the phage area deeper in the mouth, but it is this place that emits an unpleasant smell. So, you have to floss every day and clean your mouth every few months. If you've done all of this and you still have a bad breath, it's time to start looking into your diet or look for other health issues.


10. Alcohol-based mouthwashes dry out your mouth, so your breath might be perfectly fresh for half an hour, but afterward it will smell bad, even worse than before.


11. If your breath is very bad, the dentist will generally not take the initiative to remind you. The doctor will tell you only if you ask.


12. Toothpaste is not a panacea, and the new whitening formula is no exception. Although this toothpaste can remove dark spots on the surface of teeth, it cannot whiten teeth like bleach.


13. The electric toothbrush is one of the best tools to come out of dentistry. They replicate the professional cleaning process and, while not reaching below the gum line, are often superior to regular toothbrushes.


14. Every tooth is surrounded by saliva full of decaying substances and bacteria. People should use dental cleaners to clean up these debris in the mouth every day, which is good for the health of the gums.


15. There are often children who are good-looking and well-dressed, but their mouths are full of black teeth. This is related to the lax supervision of their parents.


16. For the past 20 years, dentists have been talking to parents about bottle decay, telling them not to let their babies sleep with a bottle in their mouth, but it doesn't seem to be working.