How much have you heard about the top 10 myths about orthodontics?

2022/12/28 14:25

Everyone wishes to have healthy, white and orderly teeth

So what exactly is orthodontics?

Do you understand the misunderstanding of orthodontics?


Teeth straightening is through external force

Move misaligned teeth to their normal position

The teeth are arranged in a balanced, stable and beautiful occlusal relationship


Misunderstanding 1: I am already 35 years old and cannot be corrected

Many people think that orthodontics is only for children and young people, and middle-aged and elderly people cannot receive orthodontic treatment. In fact, this view is wrong. As long as the periodontal is healthy, orthodontics can be performed .


Myth 2: After orthodontic treatment, it will become loose

Teeth are in a balance of stability and movement. Orthodontics is to temporarily break this balance through external force. The bone remodeling produced by orthodontics brings about physiological movement of teeth. It is normal to have a certain degree of temporary loosening during the movement process.

When the tooth moves to a new position, nature returns to balance and stabilizes again. Therefore , the loosening of teeth caused by orthodontics is temporary, and it is periodontitis that really causes loosening or even loss of teeth.


Myth 3: After orthodontic treatment, you will lose your teeth when you get old

At present, in our country, periodontitis has become the primary cause of adult tooth loss, that is to say, the so-called old teeth are mainly caused by periodontitis leading to loose teeth , and the key pathogenic factor of periodontitis is the plaque microorganisms in the oral cavity.

Whether you suffer from periodontitis has nothing to do with whether you have done orthodontic treatment . Therefore, after orthodontic treatment, you will lose your teeth when you get old. This is the deepest misunderstanding of orthodontics, and there is no one!


Misunderstanding 4: The magic 7-day quick correction method

The so-called rapid correction of cosmetic crowns, known as the emerging technology of tooth beauty, is essentially to grind the teeth to make porcelain crowns, which damages the health of the teeth for the sake of beauty.

To change the alignment of healthy teeth, the correct solution is to wear braces, usually for about two years. The physiological movement of teeth is a slow process. Correction must pay a price of time, and there is no shortcut.


Misunderstanding 5: Correction is just for beauty

Many young people undergo orthodontics to improve the appearance of their teeth and even their appearance, but the effect of orthodontics is not limited to this.

Most middle-aged and elderly people seek correction for health and function. Neat teeth are easier to clean, which is beneficial to the health of teeth and periodontal tissue. After correction, an ideal occlusal relationship can be obtained and masticatory function can be improved . A perfect correction is the harmonious unity of health, function, aesthetics and long-term stability.


Misunderstanding 6: Tooth extraction must be corrected

Tooth extraction is a common but not the only means of providing clearance. In addition to tooth extraction that can create space and effectively solve dentition crowding and tooth protrusion, there are also many clinical methods such as expanding the dental arch forward and backward or left and right, slice cutting (moderately narrowing the teeth), etc. The specific method is more suitable and must be checked by a professional orthodontist before deciding.


Myth 7: Orthodontics must be painful

In fact, orthodontics is not terrible, and the braces worn for orthodontics are not a curse.

Nowadays, the development of orthodontic technology is more and more inclined to light-force orthodontics. Many technologies can provide safe and comfortable orthodontics , allowing patients to feel no pain or only slight discomfort. During the treatment, the teeth feel soreness and occlusal weakness are also temporary phenomena, which are generally tolerable.


Misunderstanding 8: Orthodontic braces affect the appearance

Orthodontic methods are flexible and diverse. The current mainstream technology is a fixed appliance that is stuck on the teeth and cannot be removed by the patient, commonly known as braces. In addition, there are lingual orthodontics that are placed on the inside of the teeth and invisible braces that patients can freely remove and wear. Correction does not affect the appearance. Patients can make choices according to their needs.


Misunderstanding 9: Accelerate the progress of follow-up visits during the correction period can shorten the course of treatment

Tooth movement is a slow physiological movement, with an average movement of up to 1mm a month. If the teeth and periodontal tissue lose time to rest due to frequent follow-up visits, it may bring irreversible adverse consequences. Orthodontics cannot be counterproductive, and physiological laws must be respected .