How to choose a reliable dental clinic?

2023/01/05 15:36

What kind of oral mechanism is good? Most people are used to choosing oral institutions like this:

1. Go straight to the public hospital:

As long as you have enough time, going to a public hospital is also a good choice. However, orthodontics, dental implants, etc. all require doctors to diagnose and treat at least 4 or 5 times. One time will delay a day, and the time cost will be calculated by yourself!

Moreover, the skills of doctors in the system are also mixed, and there are also many excellent doctors who can't stand the oppression in the system and open their own clinics!


2. Through the environment and decoration of the clinic:

Obviously wrong, a good environment does not mean good medical skills. However, the technology of an old clinic that has been in operation for many years must not be bad. Since it can survive in this highly competitive environment, it must have its own uniqueness! (Of course, a good environment does not mean that the medical skills are not good. Sometimes the old clinics that have been in operation for more than ten years have been renovated!)


3. Number of patients passing through the clinic:

Not necessarily. Many clinics now adopt an appointment system. Through effective management, patients can avoid excessive waiting. Give patients a good medical experience without having to wait as hard as in public hospitals!


Since feeling and experience can't help us, how can we choose a formal dental institution?


01        See Disinfection and Hygiene

When choosing a clinic, you should focus on the details of the clinic's cleaning and disinfection work. For example, do dentists wear disposable latex gloves to see patients? Is there a high temperature and high pressure disinfection furnace, etc., so that they can effectively protect themselves!


02        see doctor qualification

For example, whether the doctor has the qualification certification of medical practitioners, etc.;


03        Whether the clinical experience is rich

Stomatology is an empirical subject. Whether it is intraoral or extraoral, orthodontics or restoration, in addition to theoretical knowledge, a lot of practical experience is also required to accumulate experience.

Therefore, one of the core elements to measure an excellent dentist is the number of cases he has done and the number of excellent cases.


04        Medical ethics of seeing a doctor

A good doctor will patiently listen to your description of the situation, and then formulate a reasonable, comprehensive, practical and affordable treatment plan according to each individual's actual situation ; meet the actual needs of the patient without violating the principles of medical treatment, Do not belittle colleagues, and do not encourage patients to do unnecessary treatment projects.


05        See if there is security

Before the operation, it is generally necessary to sign the "Oral Implant Treatment Informed Consent Form" to clarify the scope of responsibility, and choosing a competent and regular medical institution can reduce worries.


It is recommended to choose a fixed dentist


Dentists and patients also have a process of mutual understanding, mutual trust, mutual cooperation and mutual adaptation during the dental treatment process. If you frequently change dental clinics and dentists, not only will the inspection work be repeated, the cost will increase, and people will be exhausted, and the treatment effect may not be good. Ideal, communication and understanding are not smooth.


How to choose an ideal fixed dentist?

1. You can preliminarily judge whether the selected dentist and clinic meet your psychological standards and requirements by observing the internal and external environment of the clinic, treatment prices, and the dentist's speech and behavior;


2. Through further observation and treatment, judge whether the dentist has comprehensive professional knowledge, good skills, rigorous and serious working attitude, careful and responsible.


3. According to your previous experience in seeking medical treatment, you can choose your ideal private dentist and clinic from the dental clinics and dentists you have visited and consulted for various times, and fix it.


4. Finally, it is recommended to choose a dental clinic not far from home or with a smooth road!