Fixed Dentures for Oral Restoration

2022/10/13 13:51

1. What are fixed dentures?
Fixed dentures use the natural teeth on one or both sides of the edentulous area as abutments, make various types of retainers on the abutments, and make bridges in the edentulous area, which are connected as a whole through connectors, and finally cemented A prosthesis that is fixed on the abutment and cannot be worn by the patient. Because its structure is similar to a bridge, it is also called a fixed bridge.
Second, the composition of fixed dentures:
Fixed dentures are composed of three parts, respectively, retainer, bridge and connector. The fixed bridge is a functional whole formed by the cementation of the retainer and the abutment; the pontic can restore the form and function of the missing tooth, and the abutment can also be called the abutment after the abutment. It is the natural tooth, tooth root, or bridge abutment that supports the fixed bridge; the abutment bears the additional force on the bridge in addition to the resultant force on itself.
Retainer refers to the production of cemented and cemented full crowns on the abutment, part of the crown inlay and the fixed bridge with the wing plate by means of the retention force to connect with the abutment and obtain retention.
A pontic, an artificial tooth, is the part of a fixed bridge that restores the form and function of a missing tooth.
The connecting body is the connecting part between the fixed bridge and the retaining body, and can be divided into a movable connecting body and a fixed connecting body according to the different connection methods.
Three types of fixed dentures:
According to the structure, it can be divided into: double-end fixed bridge, semi-fixed bridge, single-end fixed bridge and can be extended to composite bridge, spring bridge, implant abutment bridge and so on. According to the material, it can be divided into: metal bridge, plastic bridge, porcelain bridge, gold-ceramic joint bridge and so on.
Fourth, the characteristics of fixed dentures:
(1) The connection form between the retainer and the pontic is a fixed connection. The abutment, the retainer and the pontic are connected into an immovable whole to form a new chewing unit; it is transformed from the physiological movement of a single abutment. Integral physiological movement;
(2) The bridge abutment can withstand greater occlusal force, and the occlusal force shared by the abutment teeth at both ends is also relatively uniform;
(3) It is widely used in clinical practice.
5. Indications for fixed dentures:
In any part of the dentition, the abutment teeth meet the conditions, and the number of missing teeth is small, and fixed dentures can generally be selected for restoration.
6. The types of fixed dentures can be divided into: metal bridges, plastic bridges, porcelain bridges, gold-ceramic combined bridges and so on.
Fixed dentures use the adjacent natural teeth in the missing tooth space as support, and are pasted and fixed on the natural teeth through the retainer on the denture, and the patient cannot remove it by himself.
1. The composition of fixed dentures: the retainer, the bridge and the connector are composed of three parts
1. Retainer: refers to the full crown, post crown, partial crown or inlay, etc. made and cemented on the abutment, which is connected with the bridge through the connector, so that the fixed bridge and the abutment form a function whole and retain the fixed bridge.
2. Pontic: The artificial tooth is the part of the fixed bridge that restores the form and function of the missing tooth.
3. Connector: It is the part between the fixed bridge and the retainer. Mode: fixed connector, movable connector
The types of fixed dentures
1. According to the relationship between the bridge and the alveolar ridge, it can be divided into contact type and non-contact type
. 2. According to different materials, it can be divided into metal bridge, non-metal bridge, and metal-non-metal bridge
. 3. According to the fixed bridge structure Different, can be divided into double-ended fixed bridge, single-ended fixed bridge, semi-fixed bridge, composite fixed bridge
Double-ended fixed bridge (full fixed bridge)
(1) The connection form between the retainer and the pontic is a fixed connection. The abutment, the retainer and the pontic are connected into an immovable whole to form a new chewing unit; it is transformed from the physiological movement of a single abutment. Integral physiological movement
(2) The bridge abutment can withstand a large occlusal force, and the occlusal force shared by the abutment teeth at both ends is also relatively uniform
(3) The semi-fixed bridge (stress-buffering fixed bridge) is widely used in clinical practice
Features of semi-fixed bridge (stress buffer fixed bridge)
(1) The retainer at one end is a fixed connection, and the other end is an active connection. The movable connector is made into a plug body in the pontic part, and it is fitted into the plug channel of the abutment retainer
(2) The stress on the abutment teeth at both ends is uneven
(3) It is suitable for the large inclination of the abutment teeth, which is difficult to obtain. cases requiring co-positioning
Single-ended fixed bridge (cantilever fixed bridge) features:
(1) Only one end has a retainer, which is a fixed connection, and the other end of the bridge is in contact with or without adjacent teeth, forming a complete free end;
(2) Forced After the treatment, leverage effect is generated, which is easy to cause traumatic damage to periodontal tissue or loosening of the retainer
. Large, and the abutment has sufficient support and retention.
Features of composite fixed bridge:
(1) Composed of 2 or more simple fixed bridges;
(2) At least 2 spaced abutments and at least 4 tooth units;
(3) Support and fixation The position of the seat and the abutment is related to the shape, and it is difficult to find a common seat.
Fixed bridges with other special structures: implant fixed bridges; fixed-removable combined bridges; bonded fixed bridges.