Do your teeth fall out as you get older? Do these four points well to avoid "old-fashioned" →

2022/11/08 13:49

Do you have to lose your teeth as you get older? In fact, "old-fashioned" really is not the fault of age. The World Health Organization's definition of dental health standards is "8020 " , which means that when we reach the age of 80, we should have at least 20 functional teeth. According to statistics from the fourth national oral health epidemiological survey report released in 2018, among the elderly aged 65-74 in my country, 82% of the elderly have missing teeth, and 4.5% have no teeth.


Is tooth loss related to age? When people get older, their teeth will have degenerative diseases, they are not as white and bright as when they were young, and their gums will shrink, but tooth loss is not necessarily related to age. For example, in some longevity villages in Hainan, many centenarians have very healthy teeth. Dental health and physical and mental health are very closely related, so it is especially important to protect each tooth from now on. What are the main reasons for tooth loss? The main causes of tooth loss are: dental caries, periodontitis and trauma. Dental caries: Dental caries are prone to occur in the fissures and fissures of the molars and the adjacent surfaces of the teeth. Food residues are easy to accumulate in the fissures and grooves of the molars, and the adjacent surfaces of the teeth are not easy to be thoroughly cleaned. Severe caries leads to necrosis of the tooth nerve and damage to the crown and root of the tooth.

Periodontitis: Healthy gums wrap tightly around the teeth and are tight and strong. When brushing and cleaning are not in place, bacteria and food residues accumulate in the periodontal period for a long time, which will generate calculus and stimulate periodontal inflammation. When the inflammation aggravates and the tooth support is insufficient, the phenomenon of tooth loosening, displacement and loss will occur. Trauma: If the tooth is impacted, seek medical attention in time. Even if the appearance of the tooth is not damaged, check whether the nerve of the tooth is damaged. When a tooth is broken due to severe trauma, it is necessary to find the lost tooth as soon as possible, keep the tooth in a moist environment, such as milk or water at room temperature, seek medical attention within 30 minutes, and there is a possibility of recovery. What should we do to prevent tooth loss?


Brush your teeth well: vibrate horizontally for 3 minutes each time, so as to cover everything.


Choose the right toothbrush: choose a toothbrush that is not too large and flexible according to the size of the mouth; the hardness of the toothbrush bristles is moderate and not too soft.


Correct use of dental floss and mouthwash: Do not plug the dental floss hard, but pull it into the gap between the two teeth to avoid hurting the gums; the mouthwash should stay in the mouth for more than 30 seconds, and do not rinse with water after use.


Maintain a good oral environment: rinse your mouth after meals; water is the best drink, drink less or no sweet drinks; tea contains fluorine and tea polyphenols and other ingredients, which can achieve the effect of preventing caries and solidifying teeth.

If you want to have strong teeth, you must insist on eating walnuts for calcium every day? Calcium supplements help to strengthen teeth, but should be supplemented during tooth development. The development of human teeth starts from the 3rd or 4th month of the fetus, the deciduous teeth erupt in the 6th month of the baby, the basic development of the child is completed at the age of 2-3, and the root development of the tooth is completed around the age of 16. Once the teeth are fully developed, it is not feasible to rely on calcium supplementation to achieve the purpose of solid teeth.

Tooth percussion is a very good way to keep teeth healthy for adults. There is a saying in the ancients that "kick your teeth in the morning and evening for three hundred and sixty years, and you will not lose your teeth at the age of seven or eighty". Knocking your teeth can increase the blood circulation of the root of the tooth and enhance the resistance of the tooth itself, but this method is not suitable for everyone, and the teeth are loose. People with incomplete or severe periodontitis are not suitable for dental care.