Classification of teeth

2023/03/31 16:15

Classification of teeth

According to the time and shape of eruption, there are two sets of teeth in a person's life, which are called deciduous teeth and permanent teeth.

There are 20 deciduous teeth, commonly known as deciduous teeth. Under normal circumstances, it begins to occur in the second month of the embryo, erupts about 6 months after birth, and completely erupts by about 2 and a half years old.

Before the age of 0 to 6, the mouth is full of deciduous teeth, which are called deciduous teeth in medicine. From 6 to 12 years old, there are both deciduous teeth and permanent teeth in the mouth, which is called mixed dentition in medicine. After the age of 12, the mouth is full of permanent teeth, which are called permanent dentition in medicine.

There are 28 or 32 permanent teeth, which start to appear in the 5th month of the embryo and begin to erupt around the age of 6. Then the deciduous teeth fall off in a certain order and age and are replaced by permanent teeth one after another. Except for the third molars, all the deciduous teeth will fall out around the age of 13 to 14, and all the permanent teeth will grow. The third molars erupt around the age of 18-25. The third molars are also called wisdom teeth. The number of erupted teeth varies from person to person. The number of erupted teeth varies from person to person, ranging from none (the total number of teeth in the mouth is 28) to more than 4 (the number of teeth in the mouth is 32).

According to the different functions of the teeth, they are also different in shape. Some are mainly used to cut food, called incisors; some are mainly used to tear food, called canines (commonly known as tiger teeth); Food-based, called molars. Among the 28-32 permanent teeth, there are 8 incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars and bicuspids, and 8-12 molars.

Tooth function The role of teeth is very huge.

First of all, the food must be cut and ground by the teeth before the food can be swallowed. If teeth affect chewing due to disease, it often leads to digestive dysfunction and even digestive system diseases.

Secondly, teeth have the function of assisting pronunciation. Many sounds such as lingual-dental and labial-dental sounds need the help of teeth to be pronounced correctly. For example, dental diseases, denture deformities, and denture restoration often affect the correct pronunciation.

Furthermore, teeth are crucial to the appearance of the face. Having white and healthy teeth not only makes people smile often, but also makes others pleasing to the eye. If the teeth are uneven, or the pain is unbearable due to dental caries, or accompanied by other oral diseases, it will not only affect the appearance of the teeth, but also cause psychological burden and lead to psychological disorders. Whether it is children or the elderly, oral hygiene should be included in the daily routine to keep healthy teeth for life.