Causes of loose teeth

2022/10/26 13:58

"It's normal for people to lose their teeth when they're old."

In life, everyone will feel that loose teeth are very common, and they will feel that this problem is unavoidable. In fact, if there are good preventive measures, the problem of loose teeth can be effectively solved.

一、Causes of loose teeth


1. Just like a big tree is planted in the soil, our teeth are planted in the alveolar bone. If cleaning (cleaning) is not done for a long time, a large amount of calculus will accumulate on the teeth, just like the roots of the tree are eaten by insects. It is these stimulating factors that will cause the absorption of the alveolar bone, which will cause loosening, that is, we so-called periodontal disease.

2. Due to the formation of caries in the tooth and no timely treatment, bacteria spread from the caries to the pulp cavity, and the pulp is infected by bacteria and spreads again to the root tip of the tooth to form inflammatory lesions and further damage the alveolar bone, so that the teeth begin to chew. Pain and looseness.

二、Solutions for loose teeth

In order to prevent tooth loosening, first of all, we must regularly clean the calculus on the teeth and the root surface of the teeth to remove the irritating factors. If necessary, a complete periodontal sequence treatment is performed, and regular follow-up visits are also required. After the inflammation is controlled and stabilized, if there are still obvious loose teeth, we can use periodontal fixation to link the loose teeth to the healthy and stable teeth at both ends to establish a new chewing unit, thereby reducing the burden of moving the teeth. If a loose tooth is not treated for a long time, the tooth will fall out, thus affecting normal life.

If the tooth has caries or obvious symptoms such as: chewing pain, night pain, redness and swelling of the mucous membrane around the root or fistula formation, you should go to the hospital for a complete root canal treatment in time.

3. How to do daily maintenance?

1. "Two, three, three", learn to use the Bass brushing method, brush your teeth twice a day, brush your teeth for three minutes each time, brush all three sides of each tooth, and learn to use dental floss and interdental spaces Brush to clean the adjacent surfaces of the teeth.

2. Regular dental check-ups, tooth cleaning (scaling) once or twice a year, and subgingival scaling and root planing if necessary. If there is caries or periapical lesions, it should be treated in time.

3. Usually eat more fruits and vegetables, supplement vitamins, it is good for gum growth, try not to eat too hard food