Are all those "sayings" about teeth true?

2022/11/04 14:51

There are many "common sayings" about teeth, such as: toothache is not a disease, it hurts really badly; having a child with bad teeth; one missing tooth, three missing... However, these "old sayings" are really good ? Is there any scientific basis for these "sayings"? Let's take a closer look.


"Toothache is not a disease, it hurts really badly"

When does a toothache occur?

Most people may be due to caries (qǔ) disease , which is one of our common oral diseases. Another situation is pericoronitis of wisdom teeth. If the wisdom teeth are impacted and food residues are easily accumulated locally, the gums around the wisdom teeth may become inflamed. It cannot be removed when it is painful. Otherwise, the anesthetic effect will not be good, and it may lead to the spread of infection. Wisdom teeth are removed when they are not inflamed. There are also some oral diseases that can also cause toothache, such as: wedge-shaped defect, tooth wear, tooth trauma, etc., it is necessary to treat each cause symptomatically to relieve the trouble of toothache.


"Old and old"

Is tooth loss related to age?

The so-called "old teeth" is not an inevitable phenomenon. If we can maintain oral health, we can avoid tooth loss. What might cause tooth loss? The most common cause of tooth loss in China is periodontal disease , which is the shrinkage or loss of the supporting tissues around the teeth due to the stimulation of the surrounding dirt, and the teeth will gradually loosen and fall out. Other conditions can also lead to tooth loss, such as caries developing into residual roots, residual crowns, or dental trauma. Early preventive measures need to be taken for different diseases to prevent tooth loss. Hopefully we will have at least 20 functional teeth when we are 80 years old. Let healthy teeth accompany everyone for life.


"Having a baby with bad teeth"

How pregnancy affects teeth


Some people think that the calcium in the teeth of pregnant women will be absorbed by the fetus in the womb, causing the loss of calcium in their own teeth. In fact, the calcium in the teeth exists in a crystalline state, and the teeth after development will not participate in the metabolism of calcium in the body . However, when a pregnant woman is severely deficient in calcium, the metabolism will lead to decalcification of the bones, including decalcification of the alveolar bone, resulting in loose teeth. However, due to changes in hormone levels, dietary structure and oral hygiene habits during pregnancy, pregnant women are indeed more prone to oral problems than ordinary people , such as dental caries and periodontitis. If you can solve all oral problems before pregnancy, establish correct oral hygiene concepts and habits, and maintain good oral hygiene during pregnancy, this phenomenon will not happen.


"Cold face, warm teeth, hot feet"

Do you really need warm water to brush your teeth?

Some people feel uncomfortable brushing their teeth with cold or hot water because normal pulp tissue responds to heat and cold . Teeth are divided into enamel, dentin, cementum and pulp. The pulp tissue has a sensory function. When the external cold stimulus or heat stimulus exists for a long time, it may cause inflammation of the pulp tissue, causing symptoms of pulpitis or apical inflammation. Long-term brushing with cold water or hot water can cause inflammation of the pulp tissue. exacerbate this symptom. Therefore, it is best to use warm water for brushing your teeth, and your teeth will not respond to warm water at about 37°C.


"One missing tooth, three missing"

Is this statement scientific?


There is some truth to this answer. If a tooth is missing, if the tooth is not installed in time, the teeth before and after the missing tooth will fall to the missing tooth area , the tooth opposite the missing tooth will be too long, and there will be gaps between the teeth, which is easy to impact food, resulting in red and swollen gums. Bleeding, loosening of teeth, and eventual loss of teeth, therefore, a missing tooth can lead to more missing teeth. However, if the missing teeth are missing wisdom teeth, there is no need for dental implants, and the phenomenon of three missing teeth will not occur.


"Beautiful teeth come first, white teeth are seven-pointed"

Are white teeth healthy?

White teeth are not necessarily healthy. Normal permanent teeth are slightly yellower than deciduous teeth, because the enamel is well mineralized, showing translucent crystals, glossy, can reveal the yellow of the underlying dentin and slightly yellowish, therefore, healthy well-developed teeth are not tiles White but pale yellow.

With the growth of age, pigments are deposited on the surface of the teeth, and the teeth will turn yellow and gray. At this time, it is necessary to clean the teeth, polish the tooth surface, or the doctor uses cold light whitening, laser whitening and other methods, combined with the use of whitening toothpaste at home, can make the teeth become darker. White.

Mild dental fluorosis teeth, demineralized teeth will appear white, but are not healthy.


"The lower teeth fell off the roof, and the upper teeth fell off the bed"

What should I pay attention to when changing teeth?


There is clearly no scientific basis for this "common saying". Tooth replacement in children is a normal physiological process, and no special treatment is required after the deciduous teeth fall out. However, children should pay attention to the following points during the tooth-changing period: First , maintain oral hygiene , insist on brushing their teeth every morning and evening, and master the correct brushing method, so that food residues can be completely removed, and try to avoid eating too many sweets or drinking sweet drinks to prevent dental caries; Second, children can properly eat hard foods, such as apples, whole grains, etc., to exercise the development of jawbone, which is helpful for dental health; third, early detection and correction of bad habits , such as licking teeth, biting lips, etc. At the same time, regular oral examinations are carried out to detect problems and treat them as soon as possible.