3D Dental Scanner Technology

2023/03/21 16:25

Toothache is not a disease. Usually, when there is no pain, few people will take the initiative to pay attention to the information of oral and dental health, and not many people will pay attention to it. Only when toothache occurs, people will think of the importance of dental care. In the modern age where all walks of life are changing with each passing day, new technologies are constantly emerging. In contrast, the dental industry seems to be stagnating, and intelligent digital dental care has not yet been effectively popularized.

Based on light-curing 3D printing, it is currently the most applicable technology for full-digital dental treatment. Stereo-curing 3D printing, as an additive manufacturing technology, integrates computer-aided design, polymer material processing and digital molding technology, based on digital model files, and uses software and numerical control systems to manufacture physical dental work from special medical biomaterials. Models and temporary crowns, implant surgery guides, and orthodontic braces, orthodontic retainers, etc.

In the whole process, the CAD drawing is used as the blueprint throughout the whole process, and the material calculation method is accurate to milligrams, so as to save the cost of raw materials to the greatest extent!

Compared with the complicated procedures in the past, 3D printing photo-curing technology can save a lot of manpower and help medical clinics reduce the cost of human resources and the time cost of communication and verification!

As long as the design speed can keep up and is equipped with a light-curing 3D printer, the implant guide can be printed in the clinic within an hour at the fastest, and then the surgery can be performed immediately; Complete the restoration design and chairside printing within 1 hour, and then restore it immediately. In theory, the patient can leave on the same day with dentures on, maximizing efficiency!

Compared with traditional dental diagnosis and treatment, the process of 3D printing digital treatment is faster and more efficient. It is a huge improvement for oral medicine, and the total cost is reduced by more than 30%!

3D printing is undoubtedly the most cutting-edge technology in the field of dental medicine. The previous dental treatment partly relied on the traditional dental manufacturing process, such as silicone mold taking, wax carving and plaster mold production, which is complicated and cumbersome and has large errors. The high cost has to be shared equally among the patients, making the price of surgery difficult for patients to accept. The emergence of 3D printing will greatly solve these shortcomings of traditional dental preparation, making dental clinics no longer consider production issues when producing dental models, and any complex shape design can be realized by 3D printers. 3D printing can directly generate objects of any shape from computer graphics data without machining or molds, thus greatly shortening the production cycle of products and improving productivity. Although the relevant process and material certification still need to be improved, 3D printing digital technology has great potential in dental care, and it will definitely become the general trend of dental care!